Hummingbirds: Always on the Move

Social distancing and all the other COVID-19 safety protocols have complicated life. Once simple activities have taken on a new complexity and resulted in additional obstacles for safely completing any duty or chore.

As such, the deeds, tasks, and jobs all are piling up at a feverish clip and the frequency is accelerating.  The rapidity of the 21st century’s life requirements insures the chronic appearance of harried distraction to many.

Outside, the laconic late summer days offer a mirage of relief to this manic rate of demands, but residents must endure high temperatures and humidity, and even higher power bills to keep the air conditioner working when retreating inside.

The current set of obligations generates a fluttering hum throughout the days, ceaselessly moving from one opportunity to the next.  Or so it would seem for people, and the hummingbirds taking every advantage of the smorgasbord of local blooms.

Florida’s hummingbirds are member of the Trochilide family. Their name is derived from the humming sound created by their beating wings (up to 80 times per second), which sometimes sounds like flying insects.

A hummingbird gathering nectar.

Hummingbirds live only in North and South America. Sixteen species are found in the United States of the 338 species known in the Western Hemisphere. Three occur in Florida and can be viewed locally.

The ruby-throated hummingbird is the most commonly seen hummingbird in the state. This feathered jewel is about three inches long and weighs as little as a penny coin.

The name describes the most brilliant part of the mature male’s plumage. The throat feathers contain air bubbles which give off an iridescent red tone in full sunlight.

Their backs are metallic green and they have two sets of tail feathers.  The two green feathers in the tail’s center cover eight outer black ones when they are folded. In females and juveniles, the black feathers have white tips.   The males lose the white tips as they mature

Black-chinned and Rufous hummingbirds are seen during the winter en route to their cool season latitudes. The Rufous has the longest migration route of all U.S. hummingbirds from Canada to Mexico.

Nesting in Florida begins in mid-spring, usually April. The nest is a walnut-size structure of plant down, adorned with lichens, moss, and bound with spider webs or fine plant fibers.

Nests frequently are built over water. The female lays two eggs, each less than one-half inch long. After 20 days of incubation and four weeks of growing, fledgling hummingbirds leave the nest.

For their size, hummingbirds have the largest appetites in the bird world. They feed every ten or 15 minutes from dawn until dusk. During this period, they eat more than half their weight in food and drink eight times their weight in water.

Hummingbirds must consume large amounts of high-energy food to acquire enough strength to support their hypersonic aerobatic activities. Adult hummingbirds feed primarily on nectar with the young fed insects by their parents while still in the nest.

Nectar is their energy-rich food of choice which is absorbed rapidly. One adult hummingbird may need nectar from hundreds of blossoms daily just to maintain its body weight.

A slowed-down view of a hummingbird sampling the offerings in a feeder.

Hummingbirds are well adapted to a liquid diet. Long needlelike bills and specially adapted tongues allow them to reach nectar in deep tubular flowers. The last half-inch of the long tongue is divided into equal halves, each grooved on the outside edge to form two tube-like structures.

Nectar is drawn into the tongue much the same way liquid travels up a straw. Hummingbirds can lick at a rate of 13 times per second, and their stomach is capable of holding about .2 ounces of nectar.

Hummingbird fossils have been identified from the Pleistocene epoch 2.5 million years ago.  Some ornithologists believe they may be related to Swifts, an ironic twist of grammar.

One way or another, the hummingbirds are setting the pace for all other feathered residents, and the human inhabitants, too.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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