North of Tallahassee, Florida, there is a remnant of the territorial era which remains as a link to a time now long past. Meridian Road once extended from the state’s prime meridian in the capital north to the Georgia state line. Now designated as County Road 155, this canopy road still has many stretches where…Read more
Hurricane Sally is now last week’s news. Comparatively, it is a footnote in the year 2020 which has turned out to be quite a 12 month period in the history of the almost everyone. Still some mundane chores are currently underway in an effort to recover from the storm’s effects. Hopefully readers of this post…Read more
The end of summer has many wishing to enjoy their lawns barefooted for merriment and dancing before the onset of the inevitable cooler weather. Even the ongoing hot weather can be enjoyed, or endured, better with the soles of one’s feet in contact with grasses. Unfortunately, there are some cautions which must be taken in…Read more
Redundant terms emphasize the qualities which are exhibited by the tangible item or the abstract concept represented. This grammatical technique is meant to immediately accentuate the traits, be they positive or negative. For example almost everyone has some idea of how honey tastes: sweet. However there are those who must accentuate this quality by identifying…Read more
The unexpected arrival of visitors off the highway has a variety of implications and consequences. Some can be positive and some negative. The surprise appearance in many cases leaves the host scrambling to react appropriately and recover from their lack of awareness to the potential of a stopover. The soon to arrive holiday season has…Read more
Classified as a “first magnitude spring”, Wakulla Springs is a world-class liquid resource which is expelling water from the Floridan aquifer on to the surface of north Florida’s coastal plain. Within the confines of the Edward Ball State Park, the spring and the first few miles of the resulting river are protected in a tightly…Read more