Last minute Christmas bargains are being hurled at north Florida’s residents through every conceivable mass media channel known to humanity. The retail establishments are packed with harried shoppers and the last minute delivery service’s abilities are straining at the coming deadline. The indecisive are now at the panic point where choices must be made or…Read more
The sighting of a web usually indicates the presence of one of the many species of spiders living in Wakulla County. While some spiders do not use webs to trap their meals, most do in one of several distinctive forms. The petite strands are closely monitored by the patient arachnid. When a careless insect blunders…Read more
The cold and flu season will arrive soon in Florida with symptoms ranging from the inconvenient to extreme discomfort. Tissue boxes will become a common site. One universal symptom is respiratory distress. It is bad enough to feel achy and endure an elevated temperature, but the stuffed head and chest create chronic misery for the…Read more
While most panhandle Florida residents are among the fortunate few who dodged many ill effects and brutal results of the hurricanes and tropical storms during this memorable 2020 season, winter is soon to come. The local deciduous trees accurately reflect this seasonal transition. It is correct to say the shorter days are the impetus for…Read more