Live Oaks: Sturdy Shade in the Panhandle

While most panhandle Florida residents are among the fortunate few who dodged many ill effects and brutal results of the hurricanes and tropical storms during this memorable 2020 season, winter is soon to come.  The local deciduous trees accurately reflect this seasonal transition.

It is correct to say the shorter days are the impetus for the leaf loss on most hardwood trees, but the subfreezing temperature and gusty winds in the weeks to come will finish off any foliage stragglers. Sweet gums, maples, dogwoods, and many others are starkly exposed to the elements.

This annual unveiling reveals some curious contrasts in the local landscapes, be they manicured or untended. Along with the evergreen cedars and pines, there is a stately exception to the winter’s effects on hardwood trees.

Southern Live Oaks offer shade, for people and animals, and a reprieve from 2020’s many stresses.

Live oak trees have a full complement of leaves and show no effect from chilly weather. Often used as a generic term for any oak which does not lose its foliage during winter, the most often identified species in this region is Quercus virginiana or the Southern Live Oak.

This is a large, sprawling picturesque tree which is commonly wearing Spanish moss and/or resurrection ferns. Live oaks are one of the broadest spreading of the oaks, providing huge areas of deep, inviting shade.

Typically reaching a terminal height of 40 to 60 feet with a 60 to 100 foot spread and usually possessing many sinuously curved trunks and branches, the live oak is an impressive sight for any large-scale landscape or natural area. An amazingly durable American native, it can measure its lifetime in centuries if ideally located.

Unlike water or laurel oaks which are also common in much of Florida, the live oak has deep roots which support its expansive structure. It also is unattractive to the gall wasp which inflicts bulbous knots on other oak species locally.

Its best growth performance is in moist, acidic soil, sand, loam, or clay, but the tree is exceptionally adapted to surviving droughts. This tree also tolerates alkaline soils as well, which is important in coastal areas of north Florida.

An additional species of live oak, Quercus minima, is found in sandy coastal and dune areas. As the botanical name implies, it is a dwarf species which rarely exceeds seven feet in height.

Live oak trees are frequently seen with Spanish moss in their branches and resurrection ferns growing on their limbs. Neither is harmful to the live oak.

Young Southern Live Oaks grow three feet in height each year and the trunk adds about one-inch in diameter annually under ideal conditions. Once established, they will thrive in almost any location and have very good wind resistance.

These oaks provide a multitude of benefits to the native wildlife. The expansive branches offer shelter and safe nesting opportunities for a variety of birds.

The acorns offer a high energy food source for deer, raccoons and other mammals. Many deer hunters locate their tree stands and blinds in close proximity to these high volumn nut producers

The heavy shade produced under the branches suppresses undergrowth of many native annuals and affords an easily maintained clearing for anyone wishing to enjoy the shelter. In a landscape setting this lack of sunlight will also suppress the growth of available turfgrasses.

Alternate ground covers which flourish in shade, such as lirope, can be used. Generous mulching around the trunks can also be used with good effect.

Over time, water can accumulate in cavities between the trunks. While this feature may benefit some animals and insects, it accelerates decay, and the decline of this tree’s health will follow.

When hollow spaces within the trunks result, the weight of the branches will split this tree. Though the standing portion will remain green for a year or more, it will ultimately die.

Live oaks were once an important part of ship building in north Florida. The hard, dense lumber is resistant to marine worms, so many sailing ship’s hulls were constructed using live oak for structural components.  In the early 20th century, steel replaced wood and the harvesting dramatically reduced.

The town of Live Oak, Florida, has this species of tree to thank for its name though it no longer provides lumber to shipwrights.

Today this native tree is appreciated for its many other qualities, especially to those who are tasked with raking leaves in the autumn.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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