A walk around the neighborhood or forest will confirm winter is here. Of course there are also the recent thermometer readings and the shorter days.
Other signs are the thicker coats on animals which by choice or situation must remain exposed to the elements. Some, like the native reptiles and amphibians, are absent from sight, having retreated to a safe location to “sleep” the winter away.
There are also the plants and trees which have completed their annual cycle of renewal, growth, reproduction and the return to a dormant state. In the current state of stillness the seeds developed during the warmer days have hardened and are ready for distribution.

Pinecones are currently open and distributing seeds in all parts of north Florida. This product of local pines has a critical botanical job and a variety of uses by the human population.
One of the easiest identified examples of the process for continuing the species are pinecones. In Florida the ever present woody structures, botanically known as strobilus, are currently open and releasing seeds at the end of a single wing which flutter to earth if they survive the trials of life in the branches.
The seed’s genesis really begins in January’s lengthening days. Pines begin their growth phase which increases their mass and is mostly completed by the end of March. This is one reason timber harvesters frequently wait until April or later to begin cutting.
In April the pines produce their blooms and, in north Florida where there are innumerable members of this genus, release clouds of yellow pollen aided by breezes. The small and often overlooked flowers which appear at the end of the stems dry and drop off when their function is completed.
The cones begin their existence at the branch points which contain the female flowers. Growth and development continue through the warm days of spring, summer and early autumn.
As with any crop in agriculture, there are years with heavy production and those with only a few cones. A combination of environmental factors which will affect the yield comes into play in an infinite variety of compositions making each year unique.
This cone development phase is the beginning of a variety of threats. Weather events such as hurricanes and tropical storms can thin the cone population, but another resides consistently in the branches.
Grey squirrels, the endemic arboreal rodent, are a regular consumer of pine seeds within the cone. As with any species in this genus, their teeth continue to grow throughout the animal’s life and must be worn down daily.
The pinecone offers an ideal opportunity to accomplish two necessary task. The woody seed containers offer the sturdy residence to polish and ware down the ever growing choppers while searching out nutritional tidbits.

The pine’s seeds ensconced in the cones are one of the objectives of squirrels when they chew into the dry and fibrous structure. They also need the abrasion on their ever growing teeth to keep their length in control.
Pines are not the only trees or plants in the region with reproductive cone structures. Cypress, podocarpus, yews and cycads all use this arrangement to incubate seeds in preparation for distribution and conquest of new territory.
Those pinecones which remain after the squirrel assaults open and complete their function as the nursery for future generations of pines. As they begin to decay and fall to the forest floor, they return the nutrients and organic matter to their environment.
While their botanical function is complete, their usefulness to humanity continues. For generations, people have collected these discarded husks for a variety of purposes from fireplace kindling to feedstock for craft projects.
In these days of social distancing the pines offer a productive winter activity which is safe and fun. Only the squirrels are frustrated about the opportunities missed.
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