The Beginner’s Guide to Plant Labels

The label on most plants found in plant nurseries contains lots of information useful to gardeners. Even experienced gardeners can benefit from reading tags because of the frequent introduction of new cultivars with growing requirements different from others in the same species.

A good plant label will give the common name of the plant as well as its botanical name. Common names can vary by locale.

Different people with different backgrounds use different common names and one common name may be used to refer to two (or more) entirely different plants. Botanical names are exact and let the gardener know exactly what is being purchased.

The plant label typically will indicate the ‘zone’ in which the plant grows. Plants are rated by their United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Hardiness zone.

These zones are based on historical weather records and indicate the average lowest temperatures that reasonably may be expected in a particular geographic area. The first USDA map was released in 1960. Other organizations, including the American Horticultural Society and the Arbor Day Foundation, also have released their versions of hardiness zone maps.

These maps divide the country into 10° Fahrenheit (F) zones. For example, Tallahassee is in USDA Zone 8, indicating that the minimum temperatures expected in winter fall between 10° and 19° F.

The zones often are subdivided into two half-zones, and Tallahassee is further placed in Zone 8b (15° – 19° F). An important point to remember is that these zones are based on averages.

Lower temperatures have sometimes occurred. The lowest temperature on record for Florida happened in Tallahassee on February 13, 1899 when the mercury dipped to -2° F, well below the minimum temperature expected for Zone 8b.

The label also indicates the lighting requirements of the plant. Different plants, sometimes even different cultivars of a single species, do best at different levels of sunlight exposure.

Plant labels contain much of the information needed to properly care for a plant.

A plant label will give you general lighting recommendations for that plant. The label often divides light conditions into Full Sun, Partial Sun, and Shade.

Full Sun typically indicates at least six hours of uninterrupted, direct sunlight per day. Partial Sun often refers to fewer hours of direct sun (typically three hours or less), and Shade indicates little or no direct sunlight.

The label frequently gives the water requirements of the plant. Some plants prefer to dry out between water applications, and some plants grow best in soil that stays uniformly moist.

Plants in between these extremes grow best when the soil loses surface moisture but remains moist at a depth of one to two inches. Every gardener has an excellent moisture meter with them at all times! Stick a finger down into the soil to the depth of the second knuckle. If the soil feels moist to the fingertip, there is sufficient water for growing plants.  Knowing a plant’s water requirements allows gardeners to group plants together for maximum success. 

Some plant tags give average dimensions of the maintained plant at maturity. Many plants, if allowed to grow without pruning, will grow even larger than these average dimensions.

The dimensions given typically include height and width and sometimes proper spacing. Plants placed too close can have stunted, malformed growth. They typically are more susceptible to insect and disease infestations. Do not crowd plants to create an ‘instant’ landscape.

An important point to remember is “look up.” Overhead obstruction (i.e. building eaves, utility lines, mature trees, etc.) will affect the ultimate success of newly installed plants. 

Look down as well, because adequate space for root development is essential.  A plant may ‘fit’ into a planting space when small, but not when mature. Plants will do best when planted according to label directions.

Other information sometimes included on plant labels describes plant care and use. Is it useful for attracting wildlife? Are the plants resistant to wildlife predation? Does it have attractive flowers useful for cutting or attracting butterflies? Does the plant adapt well to container planting?

All of this information helps with the selection of the proper plant. It all comes back to the old adage, “Right Plant; Right Place.”

About the author
Edwin Duke and Sam Hand

Edwin R. Duke, Associate Professor, College of Agriculture and Food Sciences; FAMU Cooperative Extension, Tallahassee, FL 32307. Samuel E. Hand, Jr., Associate Professor and Director of Industry Credentialing Training Programs, FAMU Cooperative Extension, Tallahassee, FL 32307.

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