The Challenges of Being Green

Kermit the Frog, Muppet philosopher and foil for Miss Piggy, has been quoted as saying, “It’s not easy bein’ green”. It does not take much imagination to appreciate the potential multiple meanings of this statement.

Political and environmental sustainability implications aside, a straightforward interpretation of the statement reveals an obvious truth. The existence of tiny green creatures is challenging at best.

In reality many of the frogs in panhandle Florida come in a variety of earth tones and patterns which are useful for camouflage. This ability to blend into the scenery is a key component of survival for their species.

These mostly native amphibian creatures are found in every local environment and have been placed into three categories based on their habitat. The term “amphibian” its origins in Greek with the meaning “both kinds of life” and indicates the ability live on land and in water.

This Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) is happy to make use of human structures for hunting sites. Any unsuspecting insect which passes by will quickly be the meal of choice.

All of Florida’s 27 native frog species live in north Florida. Many have adapted to human habitation and can be found around houses and buildings.

These frogs are generally classified as arboreal, aquatic or terrestrial. Some of the terrestrial frogs are identified as toads.

Arboreal frog species live in trees or bushes and have noticeably enlarged toepads. Their suction cupped toes give them the ability to be excellent climbers with the capacity to successfully leap impressive distances.

Aquatic frog species spend the majority of their lives in water. Most have well developed toe webbing for efficient swimming, but they are still capable of remarkable jumping.

Terrestrial frogs live on dry ground under plants, logs or other covers, with most species burrowing in loose soil. These frogs and toads often have dry, lumpy skin.

With one exception, any of the native frogs will be found around water, where their eggs are laid during breeding season. This normally begins in March and tapers off in September.

Hatching produces a tadpole which has the appearance of a small fish. With a tail for propulsion, no legs for hopping and only gills to breathe in the water, it lives on plant material until its metamorphous changes everything.

A transformation worthy of the most creative science fiction writer totally converts the animal. It changes body shape, replaces gills with lungs, grows legs while absorbing its tail and transforms from an herbivore to a carnivore.

Frogs are primarily predators in their environment. Insects, worms, snails and in some cases other frogs are all menu options.

While some frogs use their front legs to grasp prey, others make lightning quick strikes with their sticky tongues. These ambushes are particularly effective on flying insects such as moths and mosquitoes which instantly retreat at the first sign of movement.

As part of the food chain, these diminutive hunters are also ceaselessly hunted by larger animals. Depending on the location, almost every creature will snack on frogs, including people, if given the opportunity.

Fortunately, their high reproduction rate and quick growth and development assure a steady stream of replacements. Drought years will see fewer frogs and toads being produced because there are fewer places for tadpoles to develop.

While it may not be easy to be green, Florida’s frogs are up to the task.  

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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