Protecting Beloved Pets From Natural Plant-Based Threats

With the warmer weather, the time for outdoor activities has arrived for all living in the area. It causes much consternation with many parents to have children who only want to stare at a phone and play video games.

These pastimes have come under much criticism in recent years. Many “experts” feel those in their formative years will become oblivious to their surroundings while staring into the synthetic reality.

The family dog, however, is not encumbered by these contemporary electrical pit traps which occupy the mind and entomb the body. When it is time to escape outdoors, there is no reservation about plunging into the paradise of sights, sounds and smells.

It is all so exciting and enticing when escaping the monotony of a cloistered existence.  While the dog’s breakout is self-fulfilling ecstasy, the canine’s owner should restrain the pooch for its own good.

Pets are enjoying the spring weather as much as the human residents of north Florida. Unfortunately, there are some elements that are hazardous to these furry companions’ wellbeing in local landscapes.  Homeowners must recognize the threat and prevent contact with the pet.

This is especially true when it comes to snacking on the landscape since some common shrubs are toxic to dogs. The culinary adventure can injure “man’s (and woman’s) best friend”, and be quite painful to the budget of the doggie’s daddy or mommy.

The sago is a good example of a bad choice for a chew toy. While it is sometimes identified as a palm, it is really a cycad originating in Japan and is very toxic to dogs.

In this specific case all of the plant is toxic. The seeds especially since they contain the greatest amount of the toxic compound cycasin.

Symptoms range from weakness, severe gastric distress, and seizures to liver failure and death. At least half the mutts which sample this disastrous delicacy do not survive.

Oleander, the popular flowering shrub which blooms profusely in summer, is another potential source of poison for the family dog. Cultivated for its bright blossoms, it has a recorded history of landscape use for over 2000 years in numerous ancient and modern horticultural settings.

The slender stalks easily fit into a dog’s mouth and can be viewed as a toy after being broken or pruned if found in the pet’s domain. Given its ability to grow vigorously in marginal soil, salt tolerance and a variety of flower colors, it is easy to understand its widespread appeal.

Like the sago, all parts of the oleander are toxic. The effects and symptoms of the problematic compounds, cardiac glycosides, vary depending on the consuming species.

Birds and rodents are relatively tolerant to oleander consumption. A few caterpillars thrive on its foliage and use the toxic compound as a means to repel predators, especially birds. 

Dogs will exhibit a variety of symptoms such as irregular heartbeat, central nervous system damage, gastrointestinal reactions and death. Problems appear soon after ingestion of oleander and treatment must be undertaken quickly to have any chance of survival for the pup.

Other potential offenders include hydrangea and lantana which contain toxic compounds to deter any animal which may be tempted to take a bite. Still a curious dog may let the exuberance of the moment overtake its natural reluctance to sample odd foliage.

Owners must make the conscious decision to keep Fido away from these deadly beauties. It only seems fair to take necessary precautions for such a long serving and faithful companion.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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