Cartoon animals are cute and funny. They are assigned personalities and traits which endear them to the reader or viewer. These creations have been a staple of newspapers for more than a century and Walt Disney brought them to life in the movies about 90 years ago. Television, and now the internet, perpetuates the perception…Read more
Ever noticed mounds of dirt popping up in the lawn, in a cattle pasture, and other places? The locales might be experiencing an ant invasion. The Red Imported Fire Ant, (RIFA) has become a problem throughout Florida and at least 14 other states with mild winters. They came from South America in the early 1900s…Read more
One of the many benefits of living in panhandle Florida is the relatively mild winters. While the days and nights are not the subtropical temperatures of south Florida in October, the thermometer readings are far above the frigid readings so common currently in much of the country. A secondary advantage of the local climate is…Read more
The leaf litter and pine straw so common to panhandle Florida’s lawns and landscapes this time of year hides a variety of items from sight. The mulch in the making is a resource which literally falls from the sky, or at least that direction. In addition to the benefits, there are some drawbacks. This plant…Read more
In case it has escaped anyone’s attention, the summer of 2022 turned out to be a hot and humid season. This trend is not a surprise for anyone who has lived in panhandle Florida for at least twelve months, but it can be overwhelming for the many new residents to the area who are having…Read more
Everything seems to come with some sort of trade off. Each benefit has a corresponding detriment, the yin and yang of everyday connected reality. The recent weather is a good example of this philosophical perception of the natural world’s two sides. It has had its negative attributes resulting in positive outcomes for a vast segment…Read more
Just 500 years ago Florida was barely identified, and the flora and fauna undocumented with little known of its complexity or diversity. Juan Ponce de Leon and the Spanish conquistadores who followed him claimed control of the state and geographic area for several centuries before being pushed out. Even today there are still places and…Read more
October has traditionally been the beginning of harvest season. Many agricultural crops are reaching maturity and, depending on several environmental factors, are soon to be ready for gathering. During the bygone era when the population was self-reliant and attuned to the seasonal changes, getting next year’s seed stock prepared was a critical activity. If next…Read more