Fortunately, there are vegetables which can be grown in panhandle Florida’s winter. They offer the opportunity for a fresh and consistent supply of healthy dietary staples.
There are a few which easily tolerate the weather but are not widely accepted by ever hungry youngsters. Brussels sprouts, which handles cold and ice with barely a notice, are frequently rejected by kids.
The Brussels sprout is in the same plant family as collards, kale and broccoli. This hardy vegetable is a cultivar in the Gemmifera group of cabbages, Brassica oleracea, which are grown for their edible buds.

Freezing temperatures and sleet during panhandle Florida’s winter have little to no effect on Brussels sprouts.
The mature Brussels sprouts look like tiny cabbages and are about the size of a half-dollar coin. The edible buds grow on the plant’s main stalk and are composed of layers of tightly wrapped leaves.
Plants will grow up to three feet tall with large, pale green leaves which protect the tender buds from exposure to sun and other threats. The crop matures and is ready for harvest in about 90 days.
As the name implies, Brussels sprouts historically have been a popular and dependable crop in Belgium for hundreds of years. The country’s location in the northern latitudes of western Europe near the North Sea has required this food staple to be tolerant of cold and icy weather.
Likely spread by Roman traders a millennium ago, this delicacy is widely cultivated in much of northern Europe where menu options were few during winter in the days before high-speed trade. Each locale had its own special recipe with seasoning.
Brussels sprouts grow tender, tasty and protected under the large leaves of this plant.

French colonial settlers brought the Brussels sprouts to the new world when they settled Louisiana in the early 18th century. They also took it to the Canadian province of Quebec, where it proved a dependable cool season crop.
Today most domestic Brussels sprout production occurs in California, with pockets of production in Washington and New York. A common site in the frozen food section of super markets, about 15 percent of the total crop is sold as fresh, unprocessed produce.
When selecting fresh Brussels sprouts from the garden or the market, choose firm, compact, bright green heads. They may be refrigerated in a plastic bag for to up to one week for peak quality.
This vegetable is an ideal food nutritionally since it is low in fat with no saturated fat. It is also very low in sodium, cholesterol free, low calorie and a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C and folate.
In modern America the important nutritional value has been compromised, according to some opinions, by the taste. Plant breeders and seed companies have worked on developing a Brussels sprout cultivar which satisfies the contemporary palate.
So, when a child turns up their nose at the little cabbage-like vegetables, tell them to think about all the starving children in Belgium. They have had to endure these torturous culinary offerings for centuries.
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