A Tough Plant That Doesn’t Care About the Temperature

The rollercoaster nature of recent temperatures has been blamed on a variety of problems, primarily respiratory ills. The temperature was up, then down, then up and down again.

The uncertainty makes it difficult to know if the heat or a/c should be on and whether to dress warm or cool. The weather’s wide variability has caused problems for more than the human residents of panhandle Florida.

Many spring annuals and some perennials have been deceived and begun to grow, responding to the recent warmer temperatures and moisture. The imminent approach of decidedly cold temperatures will cause harm to the delicate leaves of most foliage after the brief false spring.

Legumes native to north Florida are the exception. They take the temperature swings in stride and keep on growing towards a spring bloom.

Legumes are, by definition, a plant with nitrogen producing bacteria attached to their root system. The bacterial activity produces nutrients essential to the plant, giving it a substantial survival advantage over its competitors.

Hairy vetch, with its dagger-like leaves, is just beginning its growing season. Its need for sun exposure makes it a likely candidate for appearing in the home lawn.

Vetch is the most common naturally occurring legume found in the region. The low growing plant is easily identified by its elongated, dagger-shaped leaves which are half an inch in length.

In spring, this annual plant produces diminutive purple flowers which quickly become inch-long seed pods. Most of the seeds are scattered within a few yards, and over a few years they can develop a dense tangle of plants which are attractive to grazing animals and birds.

Honeybees and native pollinators can often be seen visiting the blooms. No doubt the early blooms are a treat after a long winter of living off stored honey and pollen in the hive.

Birds and animals can scatter seeds to new areas where the hardy plant will aggressively colonize any suitable environment. The primary deterrent to becoming established in the new site is if the plant is eaten or killed before its seeds are allowed to mature.

A secondary benefit of vetch is its root system. The roots penetrate deeply into the soil and are a native form of erosion control.

Additionally, when the vetch plants die in the spring after setting seed, the roots become a conduit for establishing other plants. As the vetch’s roots decay, they serve as an easy canal for other roots to follow.

This time of year, vetch may be seen in open or partially shaded areas. The plant is a few inches in height, but it has no bloom or seed pods.

After any frost typical to the area in the next few months, vetch is left unaffected. The colder temperatures work to vetch’s advantage in that many competing plants are killed or stunted.

Other commonly seen winter legumes are clovers. Like vetch, they also have nitrogen-fixing bacteria on their roots, and they are adept at flourishing in cold and frosty temperatures.

Unlike vetch, they do not have the deep root system and some are perennials. All of these handle the weather yo-yo and still manage to flourish.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at harrison.gl@gmail.com.

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