One genus of plants, with both native and exotic members, is welcoming visitors to stop by for a snack or meal. Local hollies will soon be heavily laden with tiny blooms and deep green leaves.
Ilexes, as hollies are scientifically known, are common in the temperate to tropical parts of the globe with species on every continent except Antarctica. There are approximately 500 individual species in this genus of evergreens.
The greatest diversity of holly species occurs in the Americas. Curiously, Europe has a single well known species which is associated with the Christmas season.

Hollies will soon start their bloom cycle and begin setting berries for next winter. Birds will find them irresistible, especially when there is nothing else to eat.
Plants in this genus have simple, alternate glossy leaves, usually with sharp spines on their leaf’s edge. Their inconspicuous flower is greenish white with four petals, and it is a source of food for native pollinators during spring.
The berries which appear in the late autumn are an important source of winter food for a wide variety of avian species. In return, the birds spread the undigested seeds to establish the next generation of this plant.
Humans and other mammals should not eat the berries which can cause gastric distress. Hollies native to the area have red berries, but other colors appear in different species.
Generally slow growers, hollies can be either trees or shrubs. Fossil records indicate the earliest known ilex members have been around since the last days of the dinosaurs.
While there are many exotic hollies used in north Florida’s home landscapes, there are several native species too. These fit nicely into landscapes, but they are also found in the wild.
Dahoon Holly has smooth, shiny dark green leaves two to three inches long with just a few serrations near the tip. This holly tree is capable of reaching a height of 20 to 30 feet with an eight- to 12-foot-wide limb spread.
Local Dahoon Hollys are ready to feed the birds this winter. They also add a touch of seasonal color to landscapes and forest areas.

Dahoons have male and female flowers on separate plants with male and female trees needing to be in close proximity to ensure production of the brilliant red berries in fall and winter. The berries serve as an excellent food source for wildlife but are not heavy producers.
First identified in 1927 growing near East Palatka, Florida, the Palatka Holly is thought to be a hybrid between two other Ilex species. The broad, rounded leaves have one spine at the tip and few, if any, along the blade edge.
A female Palatka Holly is usually heavily laden with bright red berries in fall and winter, especially toward the top of the tree. The tree can grow to approximately 45 feet, having a moderately tight, pyramidal shape.
Yaupon, sometimes called a yaupon holly, is a small evergreen tree or large shrub capable of reaching 25 feet in height. It has small, grey-green leathery leaves densely arranged along smooth, stiff branches.

Yaupons are a common native holly species in the panhandle. These prolific producers of red berries are attractive to birds as a late winter food source.
It will grow in soil with a pH in the mildly alkaline range and is very tolerant of drought and salty air from the Gulf of Mexico. While ideal for coastal landscapes, only female plants are heavy berry producers.
Yaupons can form dense thickets if left uncontrolled. They can quickly shade out other plants requiring sun exposure.
The local hollies are ready to serve as a dependable food source in the spring as well as the cold seasons.
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