A Few Tips for a Happy Garden Before the Height of Summer

There are a wide variety of bulbous plants which will thrive and produce beautiful flowers year after year with proper care. The time to plant many bulbs in the home landscape is getting late in May.

Some, like caladiums crinum lilies, can be planted all year round, but run the risk of damage if they sprout early and are not protected from a late frost. Others, like begonias, should only be planted now.

While the spring garden is still in full production, the warm season vegetable planting is a priority activity for May. Depending on how the remainder of spring goes, transplants may offer the best possibility for success for some species.

Squash are up and growing. In the weeks to come, they will produce a bounty of healthy menu options.

This is especially true for tomatoes since almost all locally available cultivars will not set fruit during the heat of summer.

Other warm season vegetables, such as sweet corn, okra and cow peas, can be planted now from seed as they are much more tolerant of the higher summer temperatures in panhandle Florida.

Unfortunately, later plantings are more likely to be afflicted with excessive insect pressure.

If planting vegetables which grow on vines, such as cucumbers or running beans, consider placing a trellis in the growing bed. The structure will provide steady support for the vegetables and keep them off the soil where decay will reduce yield.

If new to vegetable gardening or an old hand, the garden’s location is very important for several reasons. Any of these can drastically change the outcome.

Site selection can influence the amount of sun, a critical component to success. An absolute minimum of six hours of sunlight is required for most vegetables.

Another consideration for the site is easy water availability. As seen recently, a few weeks without rain will wither any hope of a productive garden, if supplemental irrigation is not available.

Lastly, the type of soil in the growing area should be suitable for vegetable production. Organically rich, well-drained and slightly acidic soil makes for a good plot.

One more tip for the spring gardener, whether working with ornamentals or vegetables, is to monitor for insect pest. While there are many beneficial insects in north Florida, there are also those which can quickly damage or destroy the home gardener’s effort.

For the managed and manicured landscapes of the region, the installation of warm season annuals and bedding plants is in order now. The moderate temperatures make the hand labor much less of a chore, but the mosquitoes and no-see-ums are already out looking for their first meal.

Annuals offer an almost infinite variety of color, texture and plant forms which can be used to brighten landscape beds and add a splash of color to a porch, deck, or patio if placed in containers. A few also make good cut flower selections to enhance interior environments.

In north Florida, most annuals flourish for a single season, but not a year. Warm season annuals can be damaged by frosts or freezes so they should be planted after the potential for frost has passed, but with enough time to reach their peak maturity.

Hot weather is coming, so now is the time to get the landscape and gardens set for another growing season. Once the weather really heats up there will be plenty of other tasks and distractions to consume the time well spent at home.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at harrison.gl@gmail.com.

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