The Power of a Good Bluff

The consistent heat and humidity of 2023’s summer has produced an abundance of blooms, both native and exotic. The range of colors helps compensate human residents, somewhat, for the physical discomfort of venturing into the often-sweltering environment.

For many insects, the current crop of flowers is a signal that pollen and nectar are readily available for consumption. Likewise, the birds and other animals know insect snacks will be plentiful among the bright petals. It is a hazardous environment for any careless creature.

Panhandle Florida has one native insect which is currently employing a ruse to alarm anyone or anything which comes too close. The Delta Flower Scarab Beetle (Trigonopeltastes delta) uses its disguise for the purpose of staying off the menu of the many hungry birds and animals which would consider it an appropriate tidbit.

The Delta Flower Scarab Beetle is commonly seen on Panhandle Florida’s late season blooms competing for pollen. Birds and other predators instinctively know that insects will be attracted to the blooms. That is where this beetle’s defensive bluff usually, but not always, works.

This species’ common name refers to the triangular pattern on the center of its back. The shape resembles the Greek letter delta. This beetleis sometimes known as the “D beetle.”

The species is very active during daylight and easy to spot in late summer and autumn. It is most commonly seen on and around flowers in bloom.

Delta flower scarab beetles are members of the subfamily commonly called fruit or flower chafers. The common June Bug or June Beetle is a member of this group.

There are around 4,000 species worldwide, and they are on every continent except Antarctica. These beetles are usually seen only in their adult life stage.

This beetle begins life as a white grub which lives underground and is capable of serious damage to plants by feeding on their roots, especially turf grasses. Turf damage becomes apparent with brown patches appearing as the grubs continue to feed and mature during the late summer and fall.

When the grub population is high, the grass can be rolled back like a rug because of the resulting damage severe in the yard or pasture. The turf roots are completely gone, destroyed by these large and segmented white grubs.

It is worth noting these are not the only insect species which can cause this type of damage locally.

These beetle grubs are a food source for a variety of birds and animals seeking easy late-season nourishment. Unfortunately, predators such as armadillos, crows and raccoons will likely further damage the lawn by digging aggressively for this favored snack.

As adults these beetles spend their days on flower blossoms, especially goldenrods in north Florida. Their diet as adults is mainly pollen and it is where these beetles find a mate, but it is also a dangerous environment for these brightly toned insects.

Many birds and other animals instinctively know there are many choice meals on the bright blooms. However, this beetle has a unique defense in the form of a menacing bluff.

When threatened, the delta flower scarab beetle turns away from the hazard. It then raises its hind legs forward and cants its body upwards, emphasizing the upper shell with the delta marking.

The defenseless beetle now has the appearance of a large hornet’s head. Even the most aggressive predators pause to evaluate their gain versus their potential pain, giving the beetle time to safety fly away.

Sometimes a good bluff works.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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