Natural Brilliance to Light Up Fall’s Shorter Days

Many of the native wildflowers in north Florida are a reflection of the season’s changing light levels, no matter what the thermometer reads. They are providing numerous fall colors and hues.

One of the most common in panhandle Florida is Bidens alba. It is known by an assortment of common names including Spanish needles, Beggar’s-tick and Hairy Beggar’s-tick and is a member of the daisy family.

The genus name Bidens means two-toothed and refers to the two projections found at the top of its seeds. The species name alba means white which refers to the flowers with white petals and a yellow center.

Bidens plants offer native pollinators a chance to eat hardily before the onset of winter. Their prolific blooms, which renew every few days, assure all comers that a hardy meal can be had before they depart.

In autumn, this north Florida native annual uses the two hooked prongs at the end of each seed to attach itself to anything coming into contact. Each plant produces approximately 1200 seeds, many of which will germinate in the spring.

This profusely blooming weed is common in disturbed areas such as roadside ditches and fence rows with full sun exposure. It is capable of growing to six feet in height, but it will take mowing and continue blooming.

The relatively recent interest in wildflowers has encouraged the propagation of this plant for landscaping purposes. Additionally, it is a dependable late-season source of nourishment for honeybees and other pollinators.

Goldenrod, another common early autumn wildflower, is frequently blamed for the onset of hay-fever symptoms. Sneezing, itchy and watery eyes and the necessity to purchase tissue and antihistamines are all blamed on this wildflower.

Goldenrods attract a variety of native pollinators which feast on the plentiful nectar and pollen. While often blamed for hay fever, their pollen is too heavy and sticky to be windblown very far.

The real culprit is ragweed, also a native Florida plant, but with muted blooms which pale when compared to the goldenrod. Unfortunately, at least for the goldenrod, they both bloom at the same time, and goldenrods’ blooms are much easier to identify and blame.

For the record, Goldenrod pollen is too heavy and sticky to be blown far from the flowers, unlike ragweed which is typically wind pollinated.

Goldenrods are prolific late season producers of nectar and pollen which support a variety of insects, including European honeybees. There are over 100 members to this plant genus, which is in the aster family, in the northern hemisphere and South America.

This wildflower took on strategic value during World War I as a possible source for natural rubber. The conflict restricted access to the rubber plantations in Southeast Asia which placed a burden on the burgeoning auto and truck industry.

Thomas Edison was one of the key scientists who developed a process to extract usable latex from readily available materials in the west hemisphere. Edison used the common goldenrod to produce rubber, and examples may still be seen at his winter home in Fort Myers, Florida.

Edison’s horticultural skills helped develop a 12-foot-tall variety with the potential to produce 12 percent rubber by volume of plant material. Only the goldenrod leaves contained the rubber producing compound.

Goldenrod currently serves as a host for a variety of caterpillars which later become butterflies and moths. 2023’s generous supply of rain has ensured an ample growth of goldenrod plants in the pastures, fence-rows and other untended sites region-wide.

As the temperatures drop and the days shorten, these wildflowers will continue to add color to the cooler months of the year.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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