An Ancient, Tough Tree With Many Uses

There is a lot to be gained from having a tough reputation. Only those with an excessively stalwart disposition or lack of good sense will dare to make a challenge to the individual who holds this distinction.

Unbending, rigid and durable are descriptors which invoke a firm, if not dogmatic, state of resiliency.

With this enviable identity, many compare themselves and some assimilate the traits they most admire.

Andrew Jackson is, in some ways, a good case in point. The seventh president grew up on the frontier, participated in pistol duels with multiple adversaries, and commanded an army during the War of 1812 where he was given the nickname Old Hickory.

Like Jackson, hickories are native to North America and are highly valued for their long wearing qualities. While Jackson is no longer in north Florida, there are still plenty of hickories growing locally.

Slow growing hickories produce excellent wood which is useful for a variety of purposes. For the backyard griller, it is an excellent choice for flavoring foods.

There are three hickory species in panhandle Florida, bitternut, mockernut and water. The water hickory is usually found in wetter areas and the other two species in upland sites.

Hickory’s genus, Carya, is found in North America and East Asia. The term identifying this genus was coined in Greek mythology and originally referred to a woman who was transformed to a walnut tree.

Karya, or so the story goes, was the daughter of a divinely well-connected king who had gained favor with Apollo. As a courtesy, Karya and her sisters were granted the skill of prophecy from the deity.

As is typical of Greek myths, and soap operas, the sisters misused their gift of divination and were punished. Karya was turned into a walnut tree by her boyfriend who was the mythological god of winemaking and ritual madness.

Legendary tragedies aside, hickory trees have a wide variety of contemporary uses and are important both commercially and environmentally.

The wood of hickories is relatively hard and is used where a durable and sturdy material is required. Tool handles and flooring are two of the most common uses today.

Prior to the development of modern composite materials, hickory lumber was utilized in vehicle parts, golf club shafts, archery equipment, and a variety of other cases which anticipated hard use.

Hickory was used to construct the original baseball bats until ash came into common use because of its lighter weight.

Hickories are an excellent specimen tree in a landscape. These tall, deciduous trees usually grow from a single trunk and provide excellent shade during the summer.

The leaves can deliver a bright yellow show in the autumn and, if planted on the south side of a home, provide passive solar heating during the cooler months.

Mockernut and water hickory nuts have been used in recipes, but are difficult to crack.

One caution is not to establish a hickory too close to a home or other structure. Squirrels will quickly identify the nuts as a food source and can be quite messy.

Another problem issue is if a tree falls during a storm. The logs are quite heavy and will likely crush anything they hit, especially homes and vehicles.

Hickory is a popular and long burning firewood. It is also widely used by barbecue aficionados who prize the distinct flavor it imparts to grilled or smoked foods.

So, this native tree with a durable reputation for hardiness and hard-to-crack nuts is a good choice for landscapes. The squirrels will appreciate it too.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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