Gardening is messy, muddy and a lot of work, especially after recent rains. But the benefits of gardening are tremendous, from healthy food to understanding and appreciating nature.
In panhandle Florida recent cold temperatures have left many residents undecided about what to grow in this part of the year given spring could arrive at any moment. However, with cold hardy, green leafy vegetables which tolerate both cold and warm temperatures, there are viable choices.
Anytime from winter to early spring residents can walk into the garden and harvest vegetables, and just like many leafy greens, Kale is one of these crops which continues producing. Kale is not the typical garden crop, but with health benefits like being low in calories and high in fiber content, it has recently gained tremendous interest among home gardeners.

Kale can handle a variety of temperature ranges. Recent frigid weather will only sweeten this brassica member. Pests are few in the winter months, so growing organically is far simpler.
Kale is a member of the cabbage family like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. There are different varieties of Kale available from green to purple colors, and from smooth to curly leaves.
Kale is loaded with vitamins and other nutrients, and very low in calories and carbs. It also contains antioxidants which help counteract compounds responsible for premature aging and cancer. It boasts four to five times more vitamin C than spinach and is an excellent source for vitamin K. It also contains minerals helpful to bone health.
Kale is a treasure of the winter garden which turns sweet and crisp when the cold nights have touched its leaves. Those same tender leaves are key ingredients in everything from salads to homemade soups or smoothies. Fresh grown Kale from north Florida’s gardens has a mild taste compared to the bitter greens left aging in market vegetable bins.
Growing kale is very simple. The seeds are spread in rows and covered lightly by soils rich with organic matter in autumn. The organic matter not only supports this green leafy vegetable with nutrients, but also maintains the moisture in the soil. The seeds will start germinating in a week.
Once it starts growing, thin the plants to 12 to 15 inches apart. They grow better in full sun during winter and need partial shade in summer.
With the relatively warm temperatures locally, the leaves may grow too fast and turn yellow or drop off. A dose of liquid fertilizer will bring them back to normal.
Water the plants regularly as they love moist soil. The moisture will keep the leaves sweet and crisp. Every four to six weeks side-dress the rows with fertilizer throughout the growing season. Mulch around the plants with straw if the soil dries out easily.
Kale is relatively resistant to disease and insect problems, but yield is heavily influenced by the weather. Aphids, cabbage worms and cut worms can be a problem, but there are a variety of treatment methods, both organic and conventional. Removing the weak leaves will help control the problems.
The leaves can be trimmed one at a time to extend the life of the plant or the whole plant can be harvested and prepared. Either way, a tasty, healthy dish awaits.
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