A clue, by inference, directs the viewer to a conclusion. The deduction which is based on the exhibited evidence may provide some insight into an activity occurring at some point in the past.
No matter how good the data, much depends on the effective detective work of the individual attempting to understand the situation. The famed and fictional Sherlock Holmes has been lauded in pop culture for over a century for his uncanny expertise at deciphering the facts.
Unfortunately, not many are blessed with the deductive skills of a legendary sleuth. So, when coming across a curious condition, all possibilities should be examined.
Even in the parts of panhandle Florida where humans reside, interesting things happen when nobody is looking. For example, the tree in the accompanying photograph has mysteriously sustained a severe shredding by an unknown arboreal assailant.

The damage appears as if a large and aggressive creature used this tree as an excuse to blow off some steam. In reality a pileated woodpecker was seeking an easy meal.
While the culprit might initially seem to be a bigfoot with an attitude or an overly excited raccoon polishing its claws, as it turned out it was a hardhead with a need for a quick meal. A Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus ) was sifting through the rotting wood of a dying water oak in search of insect grubs.
All woodpeckers search the surfaces of tree trunks and branches for wood-boring beetles, carpenter ants and other insects or their larvae. During this foraging activity, the bird will make a few pecks then explore the hole with its tongue and bill.
This behavior will continue until an insect is found or the woodpecker is convinced the drilling spot will not produce a meal. Usually, they hop a few inches away and peck in another place.
Injury to a healthy tree is minimal and they commonly drill in horizontal lines which follow the tunnels made by the insects. The damage is far more evident on trees which are declining.
Dying trees attract opportunistic insects which use the dead wood as a site to lay eggs or take up residence. In short order the tree is infested and becomes a woodpecker’s buffet.
A feeding frenzy follows as the woodpecker will drill and eat in quick succession, not letting a morsel escape. The collateral damage from this food fight will be scattered on the forest floor.
As part of nature’s balance, it is understandable how an apex omnivore is employed to control the population of a quickly reproducing subordinate insect species. The problem for humans comes when the insects decide to homestead in the siding or post of structures.
Aside from the damage woodborers inflict on homes and outbuildings, when the local woodpecker realizes their target species is available, the repair bill starts to rise radically. The resulting destruction has been compared to the effects of submachine gun target practice.
It is worth noting there are other reasons pileated woodpeckers will drum on trees and buildings. One is to announce their presence and make a declaration of territorial possession, and the other is to hollow out a nesting cavity.
The solutions for eliminating the potential for woodpecker damage are twofold. The first is to treat the structure for the wood boring insects which are a major reason for woodpecker problems.
If the woodpeckers persist, netting suspended three or more inches from the target site is recommended. Eventually the woodpeckers will seek other dining opportunities.
While the mystery is solved, it is best to remain ever vigilant. There are hungry insects and woodpeckers everywhere, and spring will be here soon.
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