More Than Just Butterflies Add Color to the Season

Autumn is the season of bright colors in the landscape. Even the insects, mostly butterflies, contribute to the technicolor scenery.

Insects other than butterflies complement the polychromatic hues too.

The oblong-winged katydid, Amblycorypha oblongifolia as it is known to entomologists, is a prime example.

This grasshopper-like insect is a member of the subfamily Phaneropterinae, which is collectively known as a false katydid. It is very similar in appearance to Amblycorypha floridana, the Florida false katydid.

There are over 6,400 species of katydids worldwide and they live on every continent except Antarctica. This very large family of insects is broken into subfamilies and genera, some of which are extinct.

Green is the most commonly encountered color for mature katydids. Other colors usually fall prey to hungry birds. The green variants are frequently found in the home landscape feasting on flower parts, but real damage is minimal except in cases of highly concentrated populations of this insect in a small area.

The false katydid adults are distinguishable from the adults of the true katydids by their hind wings which extend beyond their leathery forewings. Mature true katydids have relatively shorter forewings, and, compared to those of the false katydids, the wings bulge out at the sides.

The links between the various entomological katydid groups and species are numerous and complex, with differences being minute and precise. In addition to the oblong-winged variety, several other katydids live in north Florida.

The oblong-winged katydid is typically green, but it can also be pink, orange, tan, brown, or yellow. It is uncommon to find non-green specimens. Once thought to be a seasonal color change, the color differences are a genetically inherited condition called erythrism.

In katydid species the erythristic mutation, a reddish appearance resulting from the absence of other color pigments, is a more frequently encountered trait which is a major disadvantage to the unlucky possessor.

With the overwhelmingly green coloration of area foliage, most brightly contrasting katydids do not survive to adulthood, falling prey to hungry birds and animals before they can pass along the trait.

This bright pink oblong-winged katydid is enjoying the foliage and flowers. An immature specimen, it has a low probability of reaching adulthood with its very noticeable exterior.

While the oblong-winged katydid is found throughout the eastern United States, it has only been observed in Florida in the panhandle region. Its northern boundary extends to the Canadian provinces of Québec and Ontario.

Adults of this species range in size from 1.6 inches to a little over two inches with the forewings’ length typically three to four times this bug’s maximum width. Their population peaks in mid-summer and their average lifespan is four to six months if they reach maturity.

The nymphs resemble the adults except their abdomen is rounder and they lack wings or sexual characteristics. With each molt a nymph’s wing development advances until fully functionally wings are present.

The growth process takes about two months. Reproductive maturity is reached at the same time the oblong-winged katydid’s wings are ready to use.

Currently this insect frequents the understory of deciduous forests, shrubs, and tall weeds, mostly in damp places. In late September/early October it is likely to be found on goldenrods and other early autumn annuals.

This katydid species is not known to damage economically important crops and is only guilty of superficial damage in the home landscape. The bright pink ones should worry about sun exposure, but it is not the likelihood of skin cancer they should be concerned about.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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