If Red Touches Black, It Is a Friend of Jack

The warmer weather’s approach has many residents of the panhandle believing the winter of 2021/22 is soon to be finished, and it might be.  The nightly ruckus of toads and frogs staking out their territory becomes louder each evening, and even mosquitos have returned in small numbers.

Unseen in most cases, but just as active as the other cold-blooded residents, snakes are resuming their activities.  While frogs can be entertaining and mosquitos irritating, snakes evoke a completely different reaction.

No creature appears to embody slimy, malevolent wickedness as much as a snake.  It is no coincidence the devil is portrayed as a serpent in the Garden of Eden. 

The unblinking eyes, the silent movement, and the consistently flicking tongue combine to project the essence of evil intentions.  It is no wonder many local discussions of snakes begin with the statement, “The only good snake is a dead snake.”

The scarlet kingsnake pictured here is a north Florida native, but it is too often confused with a coral snake. Unfortunately, this frequently leads to the destruction of a harmless reptile.

On many occasions a snake is mistakenly identified in the heat of the moment as a venomous species. The scarlet kingsnake (Lampropeltis elapsoides ) has the misfortune of being one of these easily misidentified species, and the reactions are fairly predictable.

Regrettably, many scarlet kingsnakes have met an untimely end for the offence of only appearing dangerous. To the observant and discerning individual, there are several easily identifiable characteristics which would prevent the lethal case of mistaken identity.

The quickest and most certain way of differentiating a scarlet kingsnake from a coral snake is its nose’s color. Since the head is the “business end” of any snake, it is fortunate the easily observed difference exists.

Only the coral snake has an obviously black nose. The scarlet kingsnake and the scarlet snake, a similar species, both have red noses.

Also, there is the ditty, “If red touches black, it is a friend of Jack” which describes the arrangement of colors on the scarlet kingsnake. The bands on this species are relatively broad and the tones are distinct.

In addition to the black nose, the coral snake’s band arrangement is different. “If red touches yellow, it can kill a fellow” is the lyrical way to remember the order.

It is also important to remember neither snake species is aggressive, and both will retreat from human contact if given the opportunity. Both species are usually well under 16 inches and spend their lives hidden in debris on the forest floor, and sometimes flowerbed mulch.

While it is true all snakes are natural predators, humans have never been on the menu in north Florida. Amphibians, insects, and small reptiles make up the bulk of the diet for these diminutive hunters.

Only the larger native snakes eat birds and small mammals, but any snake will strike if it perceives a threat. Even unintended encounters can have tragic results.

North Florida without snakes would be a very different and much less hospitable place.  Without snakes controlling the excess populations, many types of destructive pests would have free range to dine on innumerable components of humanity’s infrastructure and foodstuffs.

Maybe they are not the most popular of wild creatures, but they do have a purpose here.  So, whether red touches yellow or black, Jack should give the snake a chance to disappear back into the woods.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at harrison.gl@gmail.com.

2 throughts on "If Red Touches Black, It Is a Friend of Jack"

  1. When I was a kid, my parents owned a small chalet in the Pocono mountains. A neighbor of mine had come across a harmless garter snake. He told his 20-year-old son to “kill it”. The fool took a large stone and brought it down upon the reptile, killing it instantly.


    How refreshing to read an article that’s chock full of common sense. I liked the ending: So whether red touches yellow or black, Jack should give the snake a chance to disappear back into the woods.

    Good man.

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