From Regal Roosts, They Watch and Wait

Having a distinctive and easily identifiable physical feature can often prove to be a beneficial resource. This visible trait makes it easy for the viewer who encounters the notable subject to quickly know and make the necessary accommodations.

The distinguishing trademarks in humans can include from unusual height, striking eye color, or even a dignified but hairless scalp. Actors Telly Savalas and Yul Brynner are two examples of celebrities whose bare noggins made them instantly recognizable to fans around the world.

The bald eagle, a North American native which resides in panhandle Florida, while not truly bald is easily recognized for the striking contrast between its head and body. Its dignified appearance was a deciding factor in its selection to portray the honorable ideals of the new United States about 245 years ago.

A high perch and a steady gaze mean this eagle is waiting for prey to bumble into a vulnerable position. Soon after, dinner will be served.

It is worth noting that not everyone agreed with this choice. Benjamin Franklin and others wanted the wild turkey, another bird which had a contrasting color scheme between the head and body, but not resembling baldness.

Haliaeetus leucocephalus, as the bald eagle is known scientifically, literally means sea eagle with a white head. As the name implies, the bald eagle is one of eight members of the avian genus which reside in Eurasia and Africa. The term bald in this case has an archaic definition which means white head.

The bald eagle’s head and tail are covered with white feathers, contrasting with the brown feathers on the remainder of adult bodies.

These birds are considered North America’s largest raptors, or birds of prey. As with other raptors such as hawks and falcons, they are carnivores which skillfully employ their beaks and talons to secure meals.

The bald eagle’s diet selections largely depend on the availability of prey. In north Florida’s coastal counties, their diet consists mainly of fish but may include small mammals and other birds as well.

Bald eagles do not prey upon human infants or children, contrary to fairytales and an internet video a few years ago which had millions of viewers in an uproar. Fortunately for the eagles, the hoax video’s creators quickly acknowledged it as a school animation project.

Rural parts of panhandle Florida are inviting to bald eagles which have long established breeding pairs. The pairs, which usually mate for life, remain in Florida much of the year.

Bald eagles are fond of the many tall, open-canopy trees found in north Florida’s woodlands with close proximity to water. Many pines and cypress trees offer excellent roosts from which to watch for prey.

These trees, along with the plentiful dense undergrowth, offer nesting opportunities too. The nesting sites tend to be far from civilization to minimize, if not eliminate, interaction with humans.

The nests are reused annually by the bald eagles during the course of their approximately 20-year life span. Bald eagle nests are, by necessity, the largest in North America, because they must be able to support raising several chicks which grow to a substantial size before leaving home.

Both parents work round the clock to secure enough food to assure proper development of their offspring. As any parent will acknowledge, a group of big and screeching juveniles which are always hungry is enough to turn anyone’s head white.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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