Noisy Native Ground Nesters

There are certain sounds which attract the immediate attention of people and set off instinctive reactions. Car alarms and sirens are two good examples.

At the first sound of a car alarm, most of those present instantly look around to see what occurred. It may as be simple and harmless as the owner accidently hitting the panic button on the key fob, or something much more serious.

The long, high-pitched scream of a siren likewise engenders an innate set of reactions. If in traffic, the first thought is where to quickly pull off the roadway so the first responders may arrive at the quickest possible moment to those in desperate need of aid.

Another noise which prompts a sudden response is the buzzing of insects in close proximity. Inevitably many who experience this auditory trauma anticipate one or more stings to quickly follow the acoustic alarm.

The nest openings in sand and the energetic buzzing and flying are a hallmark of plasterer bees. They will be here for only a few days more.

April provides the residents of north Florida many potential opportunities to test their reflexes when it comes to buzzing insects. Fortunately most of the airborne offenders are harmless to humans, for the most part, and many are even beneficial to the native environment.

One noisy native insect is the plasterer bee, sometime known as the polyester bee. Colletes inaequalis, as it is formally known, has the curious practice of smoothing the walls of its nest cells with secretions applied with their mouthparts.

When dry, the lining has the texture of a cellophane sleeve. This habit occurs with all approximately 2000 members of this bee family.

Unlike the more commonly known bumblebees and carpenter bees, the plasterer bee is a ground nester. Of the about 20,000 species of bees worldwide, around 70 percent nest underground.

In North America many of these ground nesting bees become active in early spring. Nests of these bees are easy to identify from the exterior because of the conical heaps of dirt with a large hole in the middle which serves as the entrance to the burrows.

Unlike the European honeybee, the plasterer bee is classified as a solitary insect, meaning that every individual female builds her individual nest and raises her own brood. It is, however, a gregarious nester with many females, sometimes in the thousands, building their nests next to each other.

During the spring, with heavy interaction between males and females, there will be much noisy flying and darting about. It is easy to confuse this with a prelude to an attack.

Solitary bees, as a group, are much more docile than social insects such as wasps and European honeybees. As a general rule they will not attack unless injured or harmed.

The females have stingers as is typical with other bees. Males do not have stingers and are completely harmless.

The plasterer bee has a strong preference for the sandy soils which are common in panhandle Florida. This geologic feature encourages these bees to return to the same nesting sites every year.  

Generally these bees only fly for a few weeks in the spring, and then their holes disappear and they disperse.

Their hyperactive spring appearance and loud activity may be a bit unnerving, but they are just a temporary noisy neighbor. Ignore them and they will go away.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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