The Dog Days of Summer

The dog days of summer have once again returned to north Florida, this year with a fierce vengeance. As such the dogs (and cats), along with their human companions, are highly motivated to remain in any synthetic environment with temperature control capable of producing a comfortable thermometer reading.

In reality the history of the dog days has nothing to do with discomfort caused to or by canines. It all started when residents of early Mediterranean cultures noticed a star, commonly identified as Sirius, was visible during the hottest part of the year.

This celestial body took on a variety of identities in the soap opera pantheon of early mythology, including a dog. Even as late as the Roman Empire, unlucky dogs were being sacrificed to this lesser deity to curry its favor.

Dogs and cats, along with their human companions, are thankful for air conditioning during this period of high temperatures and elevated humidity. For many native plants it is prime time for seed production.

The unfortunate pooches were offered up in the hope of easing the seasonally associated weather conditions, including heat and heavy rains. Here in north Florida the sweltering weather conditions are put to good use by the native plants to develop seeds which will propagate the species next spring.

An overwhelming majority of the seasonally produced seeds end up as wildlife food which will be consumed during the leaner, but cooler, months of the year. Native plants offer the best prospects as food sources for several reasons.

The first reason is these plants have been in the environment since long before recorded history began and are accustomed to the surroundings. They usually tolerate the excesses and the deficiencies of necessary elements required to survive and flourish.

The second reason is the native wildlife which has also been here or passes through on an annual migration since time immemorial.  Collectively, these individual species know what to expect and where to seek this sustenance.

Palatka holly and many other ilex members are loaded with maturing seeds which will be used in the seasons to soon come. Some will sprout in spring, but most will be eaten by birds and wildlife.

The summer of 2022 is turning out to be a very favorable year for native seed production. Anyone considering the development of a wildlife friendly environment should consider the many good examples of seed production currently underway.

The Ilex genus, which includes Hollies and Yaupons, are now full of developing fruit.  They are easily identified by the groups of green berries which will change in autumn to bright red.

These evergreen perennials remain in the background most of the year, but they are attractive landscape options as they put on a brilliant fall display. Many birds and wildlife are attracted to and dependent upon the substantial supply of berries, each containing an individual small seed.

Beautyberries are another perennial with the vivid, late-season berry color of candy apple purple.  This native shrub produces bunches of BB sized berries as its leaves fall away. 

Beautyberry plants are currently growing berries for use by birds and wildlife during the fall and winter to come.

Callicarpa americana, the American beautyberry’s scientific name, will nourish birds and wildlife even after its fruit has shriveled and dried.  The light brown dehydrated berry is consumed when more palatable choices have been depleted.

Sparkleberries have many berries presently hanging from their branches.  The pale green immature fruit hangs individually and contains tiny seeds, but they will soon mature to a blue-black. 

Vaccinium arboreum, sparkleberries, are in the same plant family with blueberries.  This native perennial bush is one more menu option for the birds and animals handling the cold season with its associated privations.

There are many more seed and berry producing native plants which deliver nutritional support to insects, birds and animals which have their origins during the dog days of summer. 

Contemporary canines, or their star, no longer get the credit (or blame) for the necessary weather conditions to grow these and many other feral staples. Without the associated responsibility, the local mutts are treated far better than their late Roman counterparts.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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