The Endless Campaign Against Weeds

The heat notwithstanding, 2023 has been a good growing year for panhandle Florida’s lawns and gardens. The rain has been adequate and timed to keep the ground moist, but not too soggy.

That is the good news, but there is bad news too. Weeds in north Florida like the same environment and are growing aggressively like they usually do.

Many gardeners are feeling overwhelmed at the onslaught of unwanted vegetative invaders. Dig one up and ten more appear to take its place.

As the frustration grows, the search is on for a universal one-treatment-does-it-all solution to the weed problem. Alas, there is no treatment which will kill all the weeds and leave the landscape untouched.

To be successful at controlling unwanted plants, usually known as weeds, with herbicides takes a series of steps. The gardener must become a plant detective who notices all the important details.

Unmanaged landscapes and yards soon become a random collection of weeds which arrive on the wind, water, and by animals. A course of specific and controlled actions will be required to manage the site.

The first step is to identify the plants to be controlled. To defeat, or at least stymie, the adversary, the species must be known.

Ask questions like what are the leaf’s appearance, shape and color? Is it a broadleaf or is it a narrow, grass-type leaf? Does it have a smooth texture, or does it have veins or a velvety surface?

Does the plant have blooms, and if so, what is the color(s), the shape and where are they located on the plant? Are seeds or seedpods present?

All these traits are critical to correctly identifying the plant or plants populating the landscape as undesirables. The recognition will determine the available treatment options.

The second step is to consider where the weeds are growing. The location of the infestation will narrow the choice of treatments.

Are they in the turf, plant beds or cracks in the driveway? Each location has its treatment advantages and limitations.

Weeds in flowerbeds will need a selective herbicide or removal by hand. Broadleaf weeds in turf are more easily treated with selective herbicides, but use requires prudence so as not to accidentally damage nearby shrubs or sensitive turfgrasses.

Weeds growing in driveway cracks will require a non-selective herbicide. Caution is again advised as wind drift or runoff may take the herbicide off target and damage desirable trees, plants and shrubs.

The weed’s stage of growth is important to know. A weed seedling is much more vulnerable than a mature plant and easier to eliminate.

Additionally, if the mature plants have set fully developed seeds, then the next generation is already on site and awaiting germination. A pre-emergent herbicide may be the best option before the next growing season starts.

Lastly, it needs to be determined if the weed is actively growing. Most post-emergent herbicides work only when the plant is actively growing.

If a plant is under drought stress or at the end of its active growing season, the herbicide will have little to no effect on the weed.

Other influences on lawn weeds include mowing, insect pressure, and the soil’s pH which measures acidity or alkalinity. As the temperature increases, so does the amount of work in the home landscape.

Even as the tasks pile up, be safe and work during the cooler part of the day. This chore is guaranteed to be there tomorrow.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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