The Many Healthy Options for Gardening in the Sunshine State

The cooler days and cool nights of October are appreciated by most residents of panhandle Florida. Much of the local commercial vegetable production is wrapping up in north Florida and is moving to warmer counties in the extreme southern part of the state.

The soon-to-arrive holiday season has refocused the attention of many, with Christmas decorations already on the shelves of retailers. As the weather finally cools, for some it resurrects memories of traditional recipes and family members’ famously unique and popular dishes.

Tender, leafy greens have been a staple for many families during the cooler months of the year. Most grow well in north Florida, and the seeds are inexpensive and easy to find.

There is a selection of species and cultivars to fit almost any taste. Add that old-fashioned preparation with the family’s secret seasoning and the diner is suddenly transported back in time.

Garden greens are a popular and healthy vegetable which can be grown in home garden plots and are found in most farmer’s markets. The cooling weather in October is an excellent time to start a favored choice.

Mustard greens and turnip greens have a strong following, with kale gaining popularity for its taste and health benefits. All grow well in this region and can provide a fresh, nutritious menu option.

Greens are the best food source of vitamin K. They also contain calcium, magnesium,

Vitamin A, folate and fiber and provide nutrients that help build and maintain strong bones, maintain eye health, control cholesterol and may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Additionally, eating foods with folate before pregnancy helps lower the risk of delivering a baby with neural tube defects.

Wash all greens well to rinse off any dirt clinging to the underside of the leaves. Store unwashed, wrapped greens in a damp paper towel in a perforated plastic bag in the refrigerator and use greens within a week.

All of these leafy greens are members of the Brassica genus. Depending on the species, they have been consumed by humans throughout recorded history in one form or another.

Kale, which has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, has been noted in the written records of Greece for over 2400 years. Today’s gardener can select from a wide variety of curly or straight-leafed kale originating from many different countries.

Mustard is thought to have originated in Europe and Asia. Settlers coming to the New World, both North and South America, brought the seeds along with their recipes from home.

Records indicate turnip production and consumption extends back 3500 years, and like mustard, developed somewhere in Europe and Asia. Depending on the cultivar, in addition to the greens, the bulbous root is eaten, too.

Cultivation is relatively simple. The tiny seeds are distributed in a row during autumn or early winter (in this area) and are covered with ¼ inch of soil.

Beds with a rich organic base will better support the growth of these greens and more easily maintain the necessary moisture. Seeds should germinate and sprout within a week.

The gardener will likely need to thin the plants if the seeds are planted too close together. This should be done a week or two after sprouting so as not to disturb the roots of the remaining plants.

Disease and insect problems are relatively few and are heavily influenced by the weather. Aphids can be a problem, but there are a variety of methods, organic and conventional, which will control them.

The leaves can be trimmed one at a time to extend the life of the plant or the whole plant can be harvested and prepared. Either way, a tasty, healthy dish awaits.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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