Sluggish Slitherers: Snakes in Spring

On the still days after late winter cold fronts pass through north Florida, the silence beyond suburbia can be thunderous. Only the occasional puff of wind in the pines and the crunch of dried leaves underfoot shatters the quiet.

The appearance of lifeless tranquility is gradually withdrawn as the sun climbs in the southern sky during the middle of the day. By 10:00 a.m. north Florida’s famous late winter weather has returned as “official spring” looms a few days away.

It is no wonder the denizens of Detroit and citizens of Chicago are arriving in droves to points south, especially lesser populated coastal areas in panhandle Florida. All the pleasures of out-of-doors experiences with no ice and snow, and with minimal chance of contacting mosquitoes, gnats and snakes.

In reality there is almost no potential for contact with snakes. It is true these cold blooded natives find a cozy spot in which to coil up and sleep the inclement hours away before slithering inconspicuously into undeveloped locales.

Even in suburban areas, native snakes emerging from winter inactivity will search close (often too close) to homes and residences. Left alone, they will continue their hunt for breakfast in more suitable environments.

A gopher or armadillo burrow does nicely, with or without the original occupant still in residence, for a secure bedding spot. Many times a random log or board must do, even a dense bed of leaves.

As the seasonal snooze is interrupted by spring-like temperatures in the afternoons the reptiles are roused into action seeking a quick snack before returning at night to the land of sleep. This is where pets and people can occasionally have a problem with the sluggish snake.

Much like Florida’s most notable reptile, the alligator, snakes must warm themselves in the sun before attaining their summertime speed and agility. Without that thermal boost, they are slow and cranky.

Exposed and impeded by low temperature lethargy, non-venomous snakes can quickly fall victim to raccoons, opossums, and domestic pets. Dogs are always curious and will sniff any interloper which enters their territory.

Tragedy can occur when the pets, or people, cross paths with a venomous species unable to avoid the encounter. The frightened and irritated viper can deliver a sudden dose of problems with little to no warning.

It is unusual, but not rare, for rattlesnakes and moccasins to be encounter during early spring’s warm hours. These native pit vipers can be found in close proximity to civilization as well as remote sites.

The warming days return all snakes to active status. Some will blunder into suburban environments in search of breakfast, like this non-venomous southern water snake. Its movements are impeded by its cold body temperature, posing a problem for a snake which is often mistaken for a venomous water moccasin. 

Both species have a distinctive arrow shaped head, an identifiable neck and a stout heavy body.  Neither is an especially fast mover on land during summer, but both are sluggish and unable to move quickly out of view on cool spring mornings.

Eastern diamondback and pygmy rattlesnakes have distinguishing marking which are not easily confused with other snakes. They also have rattles at the end of their tales but may not use them when impeded by a cold body temperature.

Water moccasins are a bit more challenging to identify for the uninitiated. Brown water snakes and other similar native species are commonly confused with the moccasin, usually to the detriment of the non-venomous species.

Another north Florida pit viper feature is a dark stripe over the eye. Rarely do people having a chance encounter take the time to notice this trait.

If seen, the best advice is to leave the reptile undisturbed unless there is some exceptional reason to engage it. Given the chance, it will retreat as quickly as possible to a safe location for all involved.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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