Always Aiming High: Muscadine Grapevines

The climb to the top, metaphorical or otherwise, is one of the fundamental drives of life. The return of warm weather sees this drive kick into high gear for many of the more commonly visible species in the panhandle. 

Only the hardiest with an obsessive focus on reaching the pinnacle and the infinite patience to try every possible course will ever make it to the top. When the ultimate objective has been reached, it is time to spread out, conquer and defend the high point from any interlopers.

While this truism fits many situations involving human rivalries, it has been an ongoing competition in north Florida’s natural environment since before recorded history began. Today, wild muscadine grapevines continue this age-old practice literally with their slow, but inevitable progress up and over anything within their reach.

The muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia) is native to the southeastern U.S. and was the first native grape species known to be cultivated in North America. Its native range extends from Delaware to central Florida and occurs in all states along the Gulf Coast to east Texas.

Wild muscadine vines are leafing out now and are ready to grow over trees, shrubs, or anything else in their path. If control is the objective, now is the time to start.

Muscadine grapes grow well throughout Florida, although performance is meager in soils with very poor drainage or calcareous content. These are soils which are very high in calcium, having developed from limestone deposits long ago.

This grape is in the same genus as the American bunch grapes, Vitis labrusca, which will not grow in this region of the country.  Both V. Labrusca and its European cousin V. Vinifera quickly succumb to Pierce’s Disease, a bacteria common in this part of the country.

Wild muscadine grapes are functionally dioecious, in effect male and female. This is because of incomplete stamen formation in female vines and incomplete pistil formation in male vines.

Male vines account for the majority of the wild muscadine grape population and bare no fruit. They are, however, required for cross pollination so the female vines produce.

In the wild, both male and female vines will climb up almost anything in search of more sunlight. Trees are especially susceptible to a heavy infestation of choking coverage.

Small trees can be overcome by wild muscadine vines. The parasitic relationship usually results in the death of the tree because of the weight of accumulated vines and excessive shading which stresses the tree’s growth capacity. 

Central vines can exceed two inches in diameter, with each producing more vines at each node or joint along its way. A dense, interlaced tangle develops after a few years and any nodes touching the soil will put down roots.

Clipping the vines above their roots will kill the individual vine, but sprouting at the soil level occurs when the weather is warm. The individual cuts to secondary vines will result in vines “bleeding” sap when soil temperatures are high, but there is no evidence this is injurious to the overall vine.

To control in a landscape, wild muscadines must be aggressively pruned at the soil level or treated with herbicides. Repeated treatments and continued monitoring will be necessary, and spring is the best time to get optimal results.

Only the most determined homeowner with an obsessive focus will succeed in controlling this hardy species.

About the author
Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

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