Author: Edwin Duke and Sam Hand

Edwin R. Duke, Associate Professor, College of Agriculture and Food Sciences; FAMU Cooperative Extension, Tallahassee, FL 32307. Samuel E. Hand, Jr., Associate Professor and Director of Industry Credentialing Training Programs, FAMU Cooperative Extension, Tallahassee, FL 32307.

The Great Garden Pest

The middle of summer, late July and August, is the time north Florida residents see the largest numbers of adult eastern lubber grasshoppers. The females are seeking appropriate places to lay their eggs, and their large size and distinctive markings make them easily visible.  The eggs from which these grasshoppers hatched were deposited in the…Read more

Stopping Horticultural Abuses

Examples of horticultural foul play are evident all around. Some are in private landscapes and can possibly be excused due to the lack of gardening knowledge by the homeowner, but many occur on public property that is maintained by paid “landscape professionals.” A far-too-common sight around North Florida are ‘mulch volcanoes,’ formed when mulch is…Read more

A Helping Hand to Keep Your Trees Healthy

Every year, just before the beginning of the hurricane season, many homeowners frantically seek professional assistance assessing the condition of their larger mature trees. This is done to determine if any of them present a significant risk to them or their neighbors’ property should they be subjected to significantly high seasonal winds.  Most people can…Read more

Invasive Plants in Florida: A Primer

Over 10,000 species of plants are growing in the state of Florida. About 3,000 of these are native. About 10 percent of those native species are endemic or widespread to specific habitats. According to the Florida Invasive Species Partnership (FISP), an invasive species is defined as an organism (plant, animal, fungus or bacterium) that is…Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Plant Labels

The label on most plants found in plant nurseries contains lots of information useful to gardeners. Even experienced gardeners can benefit from reading tags because of the frequent introduction of new cultivars with growing requirements different from others in the same species. A good plant label will give the common name of the plant as…Read more

The Misunderstood Moss of the South

One of the most visible signs of our local “Southern Ecology” is Spanish moss.  It has been eulogized in poetry, novels and song for centuries.  It is closely associated with the mental images of the South. Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides) is an epiphytic, flowering plant in the Bromeliaceae family. Epiphytes typically grow by attaching to…Read more

Composting: Tips and Tricks

Composting is the biological process of recycling organic matter (i.e., leaves, lawn clippings, plant food scraps, etc.)  into a valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil and plants. When organic waste is recycled, the resulting product, compost, can be used to improve soil quality and help plants grow. Home gardeners have relied on compost for generations….Read more

The Importance of Proper Tree Maintenance

If you own a home on a lot with large trees, it is wise to evaluate the health of the trees and whether they present any threat to persons or property which may result in a liability risk to you. This includes threats to your own property and to adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. To…Read more

Palm Pruning: Guidelines and Techniques

Palms are a prominent part of our Florida landscapes. They are often included because they are considered low maintenance.  It is important to remember that low maintenance does not mean no maintenance.  One of the maintenance tasks which must be performed is pruning.  Palms require regular pruning to keep them attractive and safe.  Knowing how palms grow is…Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Plant Pruning

Pruning is an important part of landscape maintenance and done for a number of reasons.  A plant’s appearance is important for the well-groomed garden, and pruning may be done to alter the plants shape, height or width. In some cases, an old, overgrown shrub may be rejuvenated by proper pruning, and pruning may be used…Read more