Author: Edwin Duke and Sam Hand

Edwin R. Duke, Associate Professor, College of Agriculture and Food Sciences; FAMU Cooperative Extension, Tallahassee, FL 32307. Samuel E. Hand, Jr., Associate Professor and Director of Industry Credentialing Training Programs, FAMU Cooperative Extension, Tallahassee, FL 32307.

Palm Pruning: Guidelines and Techniques

Palms are a prominent part of our Florida landscapes. They are often included because they are considered low maintenance.  It is important to remember that low maintenance does not mean no maintenance.  One of the maintenance tasks which must be performed is pruning.  Palms require regular pruning to keep them attractive and safe.  Knowing how palms grow is…Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Plant Pruning

Pruning is an important part of landscape maintenance and done for a number of reasons.  A plant’s appearance is important for the well-groomed garden, and pruning may be done to alter the plants shape, height or width. In some cases, an old, overgrown shrub may be rejuvenated by proper pruning, and pruning may be used…Read more