Author: Les Harrison

Les Harrison is a longtime resident of north Florida, having attended public schools in three counties. He has a Bachelor Degree from the University of Florida in Journalism and a Master’s of Science from Auburn University in Agricultural Economics. He is the author of more than 2000 newspaper and magazine stories and journal articles. During his career, he held positions in private, government and educational (university level) sectors. He holds the title of Extension Agent Emeritus. He can be reached at

More Than Just Butterflies Add Color to the Season

Autumn is the season of bright colors in the landscape. Even the insects, mostly butterflies, contribute to the technicolor scenery. Insects other than butterflies complement the polychromatic hues too. The oblong-winged katydid, Amblycorypha oblongifolia as it is known to entomologists, is a prime example. This grasshopper-like insect is a member of the subfamily Phaneropterinae, which…Read more

A Bird With a Lot of Brains

Being called a birdbrain is not usually considered a complement. Its synonyms, featherbrain or airhead, are not any better. This mild pejorative dates back to the 1600’s, according to some lexicologists, and is the result of the general population perceiving all avian species as not very intelligent. Domestic birds stayed pinned up and provided eggs…Read more

Adding Some Spice to the Home Garden

Gardening during the summer of 2024 has been “interesting”, to say the least, in panhandle Florida. The temperatures have been higher than recent averages and several storms have been quite violent. The environment’s tantrums limited the choice of crops to the stalwarts able to handle the 90-degree temperatures, high humidity and the intermittent rains, some…Read more

Cutting a Path to Better Gardening

As the days become marginally shorter, it is safe to say the leaf raking season is on the horizon. The weeks leading up to the cooling weather can be productively spent on a variety of tasks or idled away thumbing through the library of last spring’s gardening catalogs which are by now pretty shopworn. While…Read more

A Turf Problem to Watch Out For

The opening of 2024’s tenth month has cooler weather on the horizon, finally. While the lawn mowing schedule slowed during September with the shortening days, the unusually warm weather kept turf growing at a rapid pace. The impending seasonal change dictates several behavioral adjustments when it comes to the proper care and maintenance of yard…Read more

A Safer Option for a Green Lawn Through the Cooler Months

Autumn has finally arrived, at least on the calendar. Weather forecasts still predict some days in the low 90’s, but at least the humidity has moderated a bit. While some residents of panhandle Florida consider working in the home landscape a chore, many view it as a means of enhancing their personal environment. One of…Read more

A Popular, Healthy Garden Staple for the Cool Season

Simple, easy and low maintenance are not normally terms applied to growing vegetables in panhandle Florida, or anywhere else. To every rule, however, there are a few exceptions, and gardening is no different.Gardeners in the coming cool season have many advantages to go along with the challenges. Insects are few to non-existent, there are far…Read more

Fall Gardening in the Sunshine State

September is a month of curious contradictions and juxtapositions, at least for gardeners in panhandle Florida. Depending on the individual characteristics of the environmental factors of the year, events and occurrences can, and often do, cancel each other. Still, much can be accomplished during this transitional period from summer to autumn. The summer of 2024…Read more

Relief From the Heat Is Almost Here

The weather forecast currently states there is likely a reprieve coming from the hot and dry weather being experienced by the residents of Florida’s panhandle. Some locales in the northwest portion of the state have already experienced rain and cooler (albeit not cool) weather. While the change cannot come soon enough for the human residents,…Read more

Preparing for Fall in the Sunshine State

Ever since June 20 of this summer, the days have been getting gradually shorter. On Sunday, September 23, 2024 the autumnal equinox will occur and the days will continue to get inexorably shorter. This change in the length of daylight is so subtle it is not noticed by most of the human residents of panhandle…Read more