Category: Main Stories

When ”Gone to Seed” Is a Good Thing

“Gone to seed” is a distinctly American agricultural saying from the time when most of America’s population was living on a farm. This adage usually denotes very negative connotations when applied to people, places and many objects. The implication is the subject of the remark has reached terminal depreciation after delivering all they are capable…Read more

A Harmless Garden Dweller Best Left Alone

Now that temperatures outside are beginning to moderate in early autumn, there is more incentive to work in the landscape. There are plenty of tasks to engage in this time of year. There are leaves and pine straw to rake, the collection of pinecones and branches which have fallen, the removal of dying weeds which…Read more

Working Hard to Survive the Cool Season

As the days begin to shorten and cool, a few insects remain just as active as they did six months ago. All spend their days searching for the diminishing food supplies in preparation for the inevitable. Chief among these hardy six-legged creatures is European Honeybees. The social insects with a matriarchal home life are still…Read more

A Source of Vibrant Color in Winter

As the year progresses to its terminal date in about three months the landscape, in areas both domestic and wild, is beginning to take on subdued tones. Native wildflowers and flowering trees will soon begin their season of repose. The artificial holiday decorations which irradiate panhandle Florida with colors not found in nature are already…Read more

Fall’s Dazzling Hues and Their Varied Meanings

In literature and religion, colors have an implicit meaning. This allows the theme to be communicated subliminally to the well-read and visually to those who see the iconography. There are, of course, differences between cultures. White in the western world indicates purity, but it represents death in the far east. Green has been associated with…Read more

The Golden Hues Leading Into Winter

Fortunately, there are still plenty of leaves remaining on the trees in panhandle Florida. Hurricane Idalia’s track damaged some of the Big Bend area, but its destructive path will not impede the seasonal color change. The summer of 2023 has been relatively wet and as such the color change of leaves will be unremarkable. The…Read more

The Regal Shades of Autumn’s Beauty

As summer fades to autumn in less than a week, the color pallet of the region’s landscape is gradually changing. Unlike latitudes to the north, panhandle Florida’s fall colors come in a rainbow of wildflower shades. Generally speaking, early fall’s wildflowers come in one of four tint categories. White, yellow, green and purple cover the…Read more

A Pest With an Important Role

There is nothing favorable about being compared to a roach, having roaches, or appearing roach-like. It is all negative and an insult to boot. In panhandle Florida one of the native species is the woods roach, Eurycotis floridana. Commonly referred to as the palmetto bug, this insect can reach almost two inches in length and…Read more

The Power of a Good Bluff

The consistent heat and humidity of 2023’s summer has produced an abundance of blooms, both native and exotic. The range of colors helps compensate human residents, somewhat, for the physical discomfort of venturing into the often-sweltering environment. For many insects, the current crop of flowers is a signal that pollen and nectar are readily available…Read more

The Right Plant in the Right Place

There is a big difference between a gardener and a plant collector. A gardener knows their garden with its soil, light levels and microclimates, and selects plants that will thrive in the growing environment. A plant collector often makes purchases based on an impulse. Many nurseries rely on these impulse buyers making purchases without planning…Read more