Category: Main Stories

An Invading Army That Is Happy to Take Over the Garden

Chief among the developing caterpillar pests is the southern armyworm. This insect is native to the warmer regions of both American continents. About 30 to 40 days on average are required for a complete generation, with environmental factors restraining even more reproduction. In northern Florida moths which produce this caterpillar can be found throughout the…Read more

Setting the Perfect Trap for Garden Pests

Nature has a way of making life as easy as possible, but it will not happen fast, so planning is critical to success. One means is by putting some plants (trap crops) which attract beneficial and/or destructive insects. Insects are one of the main challenges in growing a vegetable garden. Warm weather and high humidity…Read more

It Takes a Good Plan to Take on These Lawn Invaders

The grassy like leaves emerge green and ready to soak up the spring sun. Unfortunately, not all are the turf preferred for home lawns. Purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus, grows from every possible sunny location with soil capable of supporting the plant. This non-native pest is a rapidly spreading perennial which will take every opportunity to…Read more

An Exotic Species That Is Here for a Very Good Reason

Sometimes surprises can puzzle and perplex, and yet be pleasant. Finding a twenty-dollar bill in a parking lot, for example, would certainly be a positive experience. The occurrence would likely be tinged with pity for the person who lost it, though. Even if they were totally careless with their financial resources, the discovery would make…Read more

April Showers Bring Out More Than Flowers

The recent showers have been a welcome relief after a few weeks without the critical liquid from above. Irrigation and sprinklers can produce a bountiful vegetable garden, healthy shrubs and a lovely green lawn, but generous rains do it so much better and at a lower cost. April is an ideal time to plant many…Read more

A Healthy Staple Through the Ages

The seasonal temperatures have moved panhandle Florida’s vegetable gardens from winter to the spring phase. Still, the unusually cool March has made it possible for a few winter holdouts to remain for early April 2023. While many of winter’s leafy vegetables are responding to the longer days by bolting, sending up flower spikes, a few…Read more

The Importance of Tree Liability Awareness

On June 1st, Atlantic hurricane season officially begins and lasts until November 30th. This six-month period places coastal zone residents, as well as many entire states, at an increased risk of tree liability potential. When a healthy tree fails structurally in a storm, insurance will pay for damage caused by it, less any deductible. Generally,…Read more

An Exotic Species That Fits Right In

The polychromatic displays of Spring 2023 are located high and low, in residential and rural areas and seemingly without end. The blooms foretell the likelihood of the next generation of plants, but they are also an essential resource for insects in the spring. A grouping of insects commonly known as pollinators is currently busy collecting…Read more

Ancient Stars of the Sea

With the return of warmer weather, the focus of outdoor activities is shifting to pursuits where the partakers can maintain a personally comfortable temperature. So logically this means taking advantage of the local water resources. Panhandle Florida has a wealth of aquatic assets which can be enjoyed all year long, but spring and summer provide…Read more

A Tiny Pest With a Big Appetite

As contrite and well-worn as the statement is, springtime is truly the season of renewal and rebirth. The warming temperatures and ample rain have grass growing, birds singing, and shrubs blooming. Most area residents are leaving their homes and returning to the outside activities which make panhandle Florida so attractive to citizens and visitors alike….Read more