Category: Main Stories

Tips for Keeping Shrubs Happy and Healthy Through Winter

Panhandle Florida residents are able to enjoy a lifestyle with vast tracts of forested land having ample greenery, even in winter. Combined with the temperate climate (most of the year), the wildlands sustain an environment which is the envy of many Americans in more urban locales. Those acres stay lush during years with normal to…Read more

Just Like Summer, but Slower

As winter progresses in panhandle Florida, the palette of colors gradually changes by the week.Trees, shrubs and winter wildflowers provide a muted display for anyone willing to spend the time to observe it. The hues cover the spectrum but are not as intense or showy as during spring. The few blooms are also a lure…Read more

Cute Critters That Can Cause Big Problems

The plants, animals and bugs know winter is here. The oaks and hickories have dropped most of their nuts, most of the wildflowers have withered, and migratory birds have made their trip south. Unfortunately, the winter season means new challenges for the homeowner and gardener. The pests which operate 12 months of the year in…Read more

A Tasty Treat for Birds in Winter

One genus of plants, with both native and exotic members, is welcoming visitors to stop by for a snack or meal. Local hollies will soon be heavily laden with tiny blooms and deep green leaves. Ilexes, as hollies are scientifically known, are common in the temperate to tropical parts of the globe with species on…Read more

A Pest That Can Drain the Fun Out of the Outdoors

Florida is home to about 80 to 85 mosquito species, many of which live in the panhandle. Of those, 20 plus are exotic mosquitos which have been inadvertently imported, such as the Asian Tiger Mosquito also called the Tire Mosquito. Contrary to popular perception, not all of these dine on humans. Some target only birds,…Read more

As Winter Sets In, These Plants Are Just Getting Started

Valentine’s day is on the horizon and grass in panhandle Florida’s yards has finally stopped growing, so the lawnmower can be stored for the winter. The milder (sometimes cold) days and cool, crisp evenings signal a pause for turf weeds until the weather warms up again in the spring, right? Well, not quite. A quick…Read more

Good Tasks to Prepare the Lawn for Spring

The official start of winter was just a few weeks ago and the landscape is dormant. With the exception of live oak trees, all the plants and trees which lose their leaves have dropped them to the ground. For panhandle Florida homeowners recovering from the holidays, early January is a tempting time to reflect on…Read more

A Harmless Snake in the Grass

Words are a curious human creation. Each has at least one meaning or implication for the listener. The terms used today date back to long before recorded history began. Countless academics have postulated and theorized as to how these oral identifiers have migrated and evolved through the millennia to arrive at the languages used today….Read more

A Wonderfully Useful Tree, but Not for Moths

Only yesterday Santa left gifts under trees all across homes in panhandle Florida. Some of the trees are or were actually trees, and others are a conglomeration of one or more materials consisting of metals, plastic and other manmade substances. Most of the real tree material is from cut trees not native to the area….Read more

Keeping Plants Warm and Happy in Winter

The holiday season in panhandle Florida brings the inevitability of cold and frosty weather. While nothing complements eggnog or hot chocolate like a chill in the air, some plants do not appreciate the dropping temperatures. Homeowners and gardeners face a new set of challenges dealing with the effects of cold weather in the forecast for…Read more