Category: Main Stories

Stopping Horticultural Abuses

Examples of horticultural foul play are evident all around. Some are in private landscapes and can possibly be excused due to the lack of gardening knowledge by the homeowner, but many occur on public property that is maintained by paid “landscape professionals.” A far-too-common sight around North Florida are ‘mulch volcanoes,’ formed when mulch is…Read more

Storm Preparation: Tree Trouble Spots

Summer in panhandle Florida is primetime for outdoor fun. The heat and sunshine make water related activities, either salt or fresh, first rate in the local paradise within easy driving distance. However, there is a serpent in this area-wide Garden of Eden. The calendar indicates the approach of the hurricane season’s peak is four weeks…Read more

A Helping Hand to Keep Your Trees Healthy

Every year, just before the beginning of the hurricane season, many homeowners frantically seek professional assistance assessing the condition of their larger mature trees. This is done to determine if any of them present a significant risk to them or their neighbors’ property should they be subjected to significantly high seasonal winds.  Most people can…Read more

Flies in Florida: The Perpetual Pests

Insects generally are viewed by the public-at-large as pest species which are tolerated in moderate numbers and eradicated when reaching the nuisance level. A prime example is the housefly, Musca domestica, the most common domestic fly in the panhandle and just about everywhere else on the planet. It accounts for about 90 percent of all…Read more

A Treat for All and a Reputation to Admire: Blueberries

There is the often-quoted Biblical admonition “By your fruits you will be known,” which commonly comes up when discussing behavior. In other words, a reputation will ultimately be based on the deeds and accomplishments of an individual, family or group. This warning advises long-term performance consistency is critical to establishing one’s good (or not so…Read more

Revisiting a Bit of Shade Away from the Summer Sun

As July fades into August, more residents are questioning how the trees in their home landscapes would fair in a tropical storm or hurricane. Some have a high potential to cause problems. Others, like the southern live oak, are less likely to damage structures. Live Oak is often used as a generic term for any…Read more

Invasive Plants in Florida: A Primer

Over 10,000 species of plants are growing in the state of Florida. About 3,000 of these are native. About 10 percent of those native species are endemic or widespread to specific habitats. According to the Florida Invasive Species Partnership (FISP), an invasive species is defined as an organism (plant, animal, fungus or bacterium) that is…Read more

Wasps in Florida: Sour Dispositions with Important-To-Nature Missions

The low frequency droning is unmistakable.  The casual flight pattern belies the potential agony of an encounter and the real possibility of a painful attack from multiple directions. Wasps in north Florida, and most other regions, are known for their dyspeptic nature and vile retaliation if provoked.  They are the grumps of the mini aerial…Read more

Blazing Trails on the Panhandle’s Beaches: The Railroad Vine

Until relatively recently in history, traveling any distance was an arduous and difficult process. The problems compounded if there was a large baggage load. Initially, there were two obvious options. A cart or wagon pulled, hopefully, by a beast of burden was the first choice. A boat or ship was the second option for going…Read more

The Insect with Tastes Unfortunate for Power Equipment: The Camphor Shot Borer

The recent stormy weather, with all its potential problems, has focused many panhandle Florida residents on alternate tools for a variety of uses to keep civilization at hand.  In some cases, gasoline powered engines are necessary to achieve a level of 21st century comfort. Internal combustion engines fueled by gasoline require more attention and present…Read more