A Natural Solution to Garden Pests

The spring weather has provided enough rain for the plants to burst into growth. Stink bugs, leaf-footed bugs, grasshoppers, all sizes of caterpillars and many more have been enjoying the lush and plentiful dining selections. More than one north Florida homeowner or gardener has noticed the sudden appearance of a hungry pest species which is…Read more

A Key Part of Florida’s Natural Beauty

As the weather warms and summer beckons, the landscape reshapes daily. New blooms pop out and are soon followed by fruit, seeds or nuts. Some are useful to the human residents, but many are eaten by insects. As with people, there are some bugs that are picky about their meals. Panhandle Florida has some native…Read more

Hungry Pests to Watch in the Garden

While the official beginning of summer is still weeks away, the temperature is warming and spring break activities are everywhere in panhandle Florida. While the major home landscape and garden chores are ongoing, for many the springtime cleanup of raking leaves and pine straw has been done for weeks. A few hours here and there…Read more

Problem Grasses in the Sunshine State

The year’s fourth month is the time for grasses to emerge and expand their respective territories. Some are native and well behaved, but others are not and will grow aggressively, if conditions meet their needs. Torpedograss (Panicum repens) is a perennial grass with a creeping but forceful growth pattern and sharply pointed rhizomes. Stems are…Read more

Tips and Tricks for Effective Spring Watering

The calendar says April and there have been several days in the 80s. While heatwaves have not been the norm recently, the humidity percentages have been in the low 20s, especially after fronts have come through. The landscape, along with people and pets, may reflect the results of exposure to a lack of moisture in…Read more

A Beautiful Surprise in the Home Garden

A familiar face in an unfamiliar setting can often cause confusion. This understandable reaction can happen with gardeners and their plants just as easily as with any other scenario. Currently with so many exotic and seasonally showy horticultural products in the environment, it is challenging to keep up with all the blooms. Even so there…Read more

Waste Not, Want Not: Mulching and Composting

The seasonal weather has many homeowners returning to chores in their yards. The lawn has to be mowed, weeds pulled, new plants installed and on and on. The effort usually produces positive results. The neat, well-kept appearance delivers an inviting environment and, best yet, the envy of neighbors and visitors. The yard work also produces…Read more

Knowledge Is Key When Dealing with These Plant Pests

“Familiarity breeds contempt” according to Aesop, the 6th century B.C. philosopher and children’s author. That approach may be correct as applied in the story of the Fox and the Lion, where the lion was outwitted by the sly fox. In managing a home landscape, especially in spring, the exact opposite is true. Ignorance now may…Read more

An Enduring Part of Florida’s Natural Beauty

There is something to be said for being a longtime area resident. The geographic familiarity helps promote focus on perfecting the traits which are applicable and close to home. The unique, and very pleasant, environment of north Florida is an excellent example of near perfection, on a localized basis. The weather (within reason), the fauna…Read more

A Good Reason for Caution in Unkempt Places

Out-of-the way corners in abandoned places conjure up a variety of disquieting images. The eerie silence in these neglected locales gives way to the subtle scurrying of unseen lives attempting to avoid contact and confrontation. While most of the residents of these unkempt sites are harmless, at least from the perspective of venal intent, a…Read more