Sometimes events do not turn out as planned. The project’s initiative was sound, but unknown factors appeared and turned success into a mess. The sterling historical example of this concept can be summed up in one name, George Armstrong Custer. Panhandle Florida, however, has many lesser-known examples in the ornamental horticulture arena which have caused…Read more
A Family of Problems in the Yard
Having a notorious relative brings with it some usually unpleasant baggage. Acquaintances, and the public at large, assume there is the likelihood that the genetic tie will result in similar behavior. The negative expectations are reinforced by those celebrities which are in the news, usually for their questionable behavior. From a historical perspective Jerry Lee…Read more
The Cooperative Hordes of the Sunshine State
Misery loves company, as the old saying goes. And working outside in the heat and humidity of August 2023 certainly qualifies as challenging. In this light, being a social creature has somewhat positive aspects since the task will be completed sooner. Having collective experiences is an important social activity which assures the continuation of the…Read more
The Endless Campaign Against Weeds
The heat notwithstanding, 2023 has been a good growing year for panhandle Florida’s lawns and gardens. The rain has been adequate and timed to keep the ground moist, but not too soggy. That is the good news, but there is bad news too. Weeds in north Florida like the same environment and are growing aggressively…Read more
Forest Care From the Panhandle to Maine
Walking through a forest in Maine is similar to walking through a Florida forest, but there are many differences too. Both have trees, underbrush and ground cover. The trees, underbrush and ground cover in Maine are mostly of a different species than those in Florida, even though some are in the same genus. In the…Read more
A Natural Mosquito Control That Is Popular Far and Wide
One similarity Maine has with Florida is mosquitoes. While my limited time in the far north indicates these endemic pests are not as intensely bothersome as the ones which reside in Florida, either native or exotic, they still appear too plentiful. Almost anything in plentiful quantities will sooner or later encounter another creature which will…Read more
Visiting the Natural Beauty of the Pine Tree State
There is one absolute certainty about August 2023 in the panhandle Florida area. It is hot, humid and by most standards generally unpleasant to intolerable during the middle of the day to the late evening if you stay out too long. Granted, it is summer in Florida which is usually associated with beach weather and…Read more
A Path to Wellness Through the Garden
Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the United States. It is enjoyed by people of all ages, from children to seniors. The benefits of gardening as a hobby go a long way both physically and mentally. Horticulture can involve hands-on activities as well as mental stimulation. As a therapy tool, horticultural activities…Read more
The Importance of Not Jumping to Conclusions
A mistaken identity can cause an assortment of problems, especially for the subject of the incorrect assumption. The misidentified individual may be credited with negative attributes which have no basis in reality. In fiction, a plot about erroneous identification has delivered many hours of entertainment for the readers. Even Hollywood has used the falsely accused…Read more
An Invasive That Must Be Weeded Out Before It’s Too Late
In a few days, the dog days of summer begin in earnest. Historically this is the season when Sirius, the dog star, is visible in the northern hemisphere. This celestial event is reputed to indicate the onset of the year’s hottest weather. Additionally, ancient lore attributed mad dogs, bad luck and many other negative characteristics…Read more