A Holiday Tradition and a Sign of Tree Decline

Last minute Christmas bargains are being hurled at the panhandle’s citizens through every conceivable mass media channel known to humanity. The retail establishments are packed, and the package delivery services’ abilities are straining at the coming deadline. The indecisive are now at the panic point where choices must be made or disappointment (and unending recriminations)…Read more

Scale Insects: A Small Problem With Big Consequences

With the holiday gift-giving season in full swing, many are scrambling to find the perfect item for that special person on the receiving end. As the old saying goes, good things come in small packages. Well, most of the time. There are always gift cards to preferred retailers, the 21st Century equivalent of cash, or…Read more

Landscape Plan Installation: A Quick Guide

Once a landscape plan is established, what is the next step?  Most gardeners will say, “Right plant for the right place.”  But is this simply choosing a plant whose genetics match up with the soil type, light levels, temperature range, and soil pH?  If this is all, then a vital step has been overlooked in…Read more

The Crawly Critter With a lot of Sole(s)

Shoes are a necessary implement of civilization and an indispensable part of the human wardrobe. They come in an incredible array of sizes, shapes, materials and colors. This vestment has been in use by people since before recorded history, insulating against cold and protecting the human sole from all manner of damaging contrivances which could…Read more

The Wax Myrtle: The Scent of the South

Walk into any retailer and the evidence is in plain sight. Christmas is a little over three weeks away. Decorations, gifts, cards, and wrapping paper are prominently displayed for the buyer’s convenience, along with red and green pillar candles wafting holiday fragrances. In the wild, shorter days and lower temperatures in north Florida are the…Read more

Making the Home Landscape Appealing to Avians

From a bird’s perspective, 2021 has been a pretty good year so far.  There was enough rain for plants to thrive and provide ample sources of food for the plethora of avian species residing or visiting locally.   The lush bounty of greenery produced seeds and fruit for the birds which require those commodities in…Read more

The Ever-Changing Hues of the Season

For those with any level of visual acuity, November is the beginning of an overwhelmingly colorful season. Holiday lights, decorations and merchandising efforts all vie to use the most conspicuous and unavoidable selections of shades, many of which cannot be found in nature. Fortunately, panhandle Florida has many wondrous colors in the leaves of plants…Read more

No Shoes Required: Birds in Florida’s Cooler Weather

The month of November has brought on decidedly cooler temperatures. Admittedly, these recent thermometer readings are not at the subfreezing point of latitudes further north, but there is enough of a drop to cause a change in wardrobe. Cutoffs, tee shirts and flipflops are being replaced by heavier clothes and shoes.  Even visitors from up…Read more

The Colors of the Season That Won’t Inspire That Jolly Holiday Feelin’

The downward trend of the temperature and the ever-shortening days continue the inevitable progression into the holiday season. Invitations to parties and dinners are returning this year, and campaigns to help the less fortunate are already being sent to prosperous recipients by every communication means known to humanity. Panhandle Florida’s parks, businesses and places of…Read more

The Seed Collecting Season

People who collect items do so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the purpose is an unlimited curiosity about the subject which is collected. Stamp and coin collectors often fall into this category. Others collect to satisfy an insatiable want to physically possess the subject of their obsession. In extreme cases this is labeled hoarding…Read more