Just like most other aspects of life, a successful garden begins with a plan. If you want a successful and functional landscape, before you ever visit a nursery or buy the first plant, you need a well thought out design. Mistakes in the landscape can be avoided by following a simple set of steps used…Read more
The Challenges of Being Green
Kermit the Frog, Muppet philosopher and foil for Miss Piggy, has been quoted as saying, “It’s not easy bein’ green”. It does not take much imagination to appreciate the potential multiple meanings of this statement. Political and environmental sustainability implications aside, a straightforward interpretation of the statement reveals an obvious truth. The existence of tiny…Read more
Garden Beauty Without Backbreaking Labor
“A penny saved is a penny earned” is the famously frugal advice from Poor Richard’s Almanac. The author Benjamin Franklin, elder statesman and founding father of the United States, offered this simple pearl of wisdom to 18th century American colonists as a reminder to cautiously manage their assets. This method has met the test of…Read more
The Caterpillars Which Are Legion
It is a situation which has been repeated countless time over the course of recorded history in countries and continents across the globe. In all likelihood the scenario occurred, albeit on a much smaller scale, in the days which predated the written accountings of the destruction. An assemblage gathered with the sole objective to pillage…Read more
The Second Brood of 2021: Dad Ends Up Going It Alone
After the first egg hatched on June 11, the family activity began to lessen. One by one, the juveniles stopped coming to the deck to feed and bathe. I guess they knew that their parents now needed to get down to work and raise the second brood. I was sad to see the juveniles leave…Read more
The Blazing Stars of Panhandle Florida
Being on top is usually a good position. It is the place which denotes exceptional accomplishment and has the best view, especially of those below who are looking up in anticipation of reaching the pinnacle. Starting at the top is substantially rarer. There are historical examples, but they are very few which frequently arose with…Read more
The Common Gallinule: A Bird of Rare Skills
Being able to walk on water implies a very special set of talents for any individual. Given the Biblical reference, it infers to the recipient a level of perfection far exceeding those of mere mortals. This appellation is commonly applied to sports figures who are having an exceptional year. It also has been assigned to…Read more
The Second Brood of 2021: Family Fun at the Bluebird Country Club
After the tragic loss of one of the fledglings from the first brood, and the uncertainty about the fate of three of the others, I wondered how the remainder of the nesting season would unfold. I couldn’t help but wonder if the fledglings had made it and were okay. My questions were answered in mid-May….Read more
Butterfly Peas: The Skipper’s Meal of Choice
It has been a refrain heard throughout the centuries and likely originating during the Neolithic epoch. “Eat your vegetables,” is the anthem of almost every parent during mealtime when juveniles are involved. While there are many green substances on the plate which are perceived as offensive by the progeny, peas are known for their repulsive…Read more
Fishing Experts for the Ages
Those who are fortunate enough to be able to travel internationally usually return home having had many new and vastly different experiences. The stark dissimilarities are especially noticeable when traveling in Asia’s far eastern locales. While the 21st century’s shared technologies have homogenized much of daily life, there are still some unique cultural practices and…Read more