U.S. Highway 319: New Construction Uncovering the Past

For travelers in the Tallahassee area who are seeking a trip to the gulf coast, U.S. Highway 319 has long been a convenient choice. Heading due south through Crawfordville, it connects with U.S. Highway 98 which meanders close to the coast, east and west. Initially a two lane road south of the capitol city, it…Read more

Swarming Bees: In the Market for a New Home

Spring is the season for moving to a new location in the panhandle that offers many benefits, but a few challenges too.  The big question is where is the best relocation site offering all the amenities needed with the prospects of improving one’s situation? Efficient shelter from the elements is always on the top of…Read more

Dogwood and Crabapple Trees: Bursts of Color in Rainy Days

The recent ample rainfall has accelerated the return of greenery to panhandle Florida. The slow, steady drizzle was punctuated by the occasional down pour. The many native plants have, in turn, responded to the liquid encouragement.  Flowers of almost every hue and tone are exhibiting this season’s finest display of colors and texture. Rain lilies…Read more

Always Aiming High: Muscadine Grapevines

The climb to the top, metaphorical or otherwise, is one of the fundamental drives of life. The return of warm weather sees this drive kick into high gear for many of the more commonly visible species in the panhandle.  Only the hardiest with an obsessive focus on reaching the pinnacle and the infinite patience to…Read more

The Slimy Scourge: Cedar Apple Rust Disease

Slimy is not a term applied to anything in a positive light. In the pantheon of pejoratives it is only slightly better than being identified as totally disgusting. When applied to people it serves as a verbal warning that something bad is likely to occur. It is indicative of deceitful and dishonest qualities that are…Read more

The Dwarf Cypress Trees of Tate’s Hell State Forest

Florida, in decades past, was known for its roadside attractions. Any oddity or unique curiosity which would get tourists to stop and leave their money was utilized. Frequently, with some creative license, the attraction was featured on a billboard located on the nearest byway. Two-headed snakes, albino alligators, three-leg chickens or some other freak of…Read more

Sluggish Slitherers: Snakes in Spring

On the still days after late winter cold fronts pass through north Florida, the silence beyond suburbia can be thunderous. Only the occasional puff of wind in the pines and the crunch of dried leaves underfoot shatters the quiet. The appearance of lifeless tranquility is gradually withdrawn as the sun climbs in the southern sky…Read more

The Saw Palmetto: Shady Safety to Florida’s Critters

The visage of the palm fronds conjures images of balmy tropics and sunny beaches, which is quite attractive given the recent subfreezing temperatures up north. The thatched roofs of seaside cabanas gently rustle in the breeze with a sound unique to the leaves of this plant. Depending on the species of the tree, the trunks…Read more

Red Maple: Vivid Color Among the Gray

The subdued browns, greens and grays of the forest are beginning to return to the brilliant pallet familiar to residents who venture beyond their front door. In the last days of February the slow progression of woodland colors is shifting as spring approaches. Many plants, trees and fungi are not reflecting the awareness of the…Read more

St. Marks: A Waypoint for History and Respite

The term “at the end of the road” has negative connotations. The meaning of a dead-end with no place to go implies the focus of the comment is a useless or hopeless situation. The little town of Saint Marks, Florida, sits at the end of a road but has a long history of varied purposes…Read more