Just 500 years ago Florida was barely identified, and the flora and fauna undocumented with little known of its complexity or diversity. Juan Ponce de Leon and the Spanish conquistadores who followed him claimed control of the state and geographic area for several centuries before being pushed out. Even today there are still places and…Read more
Tag: Annuals
How to Use Timing to Support a Happy, Healthy Lawn
October has traditionally been the beginning of harvest season. Many agricultural crops are reaching maturity and, depending on several environmental factors, are soon to be ready for gathering. During the bygone era when the population was self-reliant and attuned to the seasonal changes, getting next year’s seed stock prepared was a critical activity. If next…Read more
Helping the Garden Recharge the Natural Way
Everyone needs a vacation to recover from all the work of the previous season. Students get the summer to enjoy some R & R (rest and relaxation), so it is only fair to start planning a period of inactivity during the coming months. In commercial agriculture farmers will leave fields vacant or fallow for a…Read more
An Invasive Horror to Native Plants
It is a frequently used theme in horror movies and horticulture. An alien species is introduced into a pristine environment, either intentionally or by accident, and quickly escapes control to the detriment of the locals. It is always better theater if the invader has as many overt malevolent qualities as possible. Parasitic behavior which slowly…Read more
Beggar’s Tick: The Prolific, Pesky Pollinator’s Pit Stop
Bidens alba, in the Aster (sunflower) family, is a common weed or wildflower, depending on your viewpoint. Commonly known as Beggar’s Tick, or simply Bidens, it is considered native to Florida and subtropical regions of the Southeastern United States. It has been deemed naturalized or invasive in tropical and subtropical parts of Asia, South America…Read more
The Seed Collecting Season
People who collect items do so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the purpose is an unlimited curiosity about the subject which is collected. Stamp and coin collectors often fall into this category. Others collect to satisfy an insatiable want to physically possess the subject of their obsession. In extreme cases this is labeled hoarding…Read more
Crabgrass: Beneficial to Some, Bane to Others
With the return of consistent, if not excessive, rain after a dry patch during May and the first half of June, lawns are actively growing in Florida’s panhandle. This results in some positive aspects and some negative. The major positive feature is a lush, green lawn. No matter the turf species, there is a unique…Read more
Not Your Grandmother’s Potted Plant
Subtlety is an often-overlooked skill. It relies on the holder’s ability to be notices without overtly seeking attention to garish traits or actions. In the wilds of the southeast’s spring season bloom there are species which add color to the environment without the clashing brilliance of high maintenance landscape shrubs. One of these muted bright…Read more