With the return of warmer weather, the focus of outdoor activities is shifting to pursuits where the partakers can maintain a personally comfortable temperature. So logically this means taking advantage of the local water resources. Panhandle Florida has a wealth of aquatic assets which can be enjoyed all year long, but spring and summer provide…Read more
Deer hunting techniques vary by preference of the hunter, along with state and federal regulations. The most frequently used method is still-hunting from a tree stand or elevated perch. Properly placed, the aerial platform provides a convenient and low exertion way to procure venison and a brag-worthy antler rack. While the tree stand may seem…Read more
Nothing on four feet is identified with Florida as much as the alligator. The toothy grin is found on post cards, T-shirts, and a nearly unending list of tourist promotional items which invite visitors to come to the sunshine state and leave their money. Florida has two native species of crocodilians, the American alligator (Alligator…Read more
Fishing is a wonderful pastime for the amateur angler. There is fresh air, open spaces and the chance of catching a fish worth bragging rights. For the professional the situation is different. The success or failure of the effort will determine if food is available for the family, ultimately a circumstance of life or death….Read more
Kermit the Frog, Muppet philosopher and foil for Miss Piggy, has been quoted as saying, “It’s not easy bein’ green”. It does not take much imagination to appreciate the potential multiple meanings of this statement. Political and environmental sustainability implications aside, a straightforward interpretation of the statement reveals an obvious truth. The existence of tiny…Read more
Going “green” is all the rage these days. Businesses, politicians, public figures and more are promoting their commitment to ecological sustainability and environmental quality. It is curious that in times past the color green had other connotations, not always positive. The green-eyed monster of envy and having a green complexion because of digestive distress are…Read more
The hot days of August can be endured in a variety of ways. Of course there is always the ever present air conditioned environment, but it is getting a bit claustrophobic in these days of social distancing. Another alternative is a trip up north, way up north. A change of scenery combined with a drop…Read more