Tag: Evergreens

Signs of the Season With Storied Histories

Christmas decorating traditions reflect the culture where the holiday is celebrated. The use of red and green as the colors for the celebration arrived with the European settlers centuries ago. Without the readily available accessories which could be delivered to home porches with the click of a button, the newcomers had to innovate. Local foliage…Read more

The Colors of the Season That Won’t Inspire That Jolly Holiday Feelin’

The downward trend of the temperature and the ever-shortening days continue the inevitable progression into the holiday season. Invitations to parties and dinners are returning this year, and campaigns to help the less fortunate are already being sent to prosperous recipients by every communication means known to humanity. Panhandle Florida’s parks, businesses and places of…Read more

Florida’s Sharp Shrub

Being sharp is usually considered a complement. It implies the recipient of the assessment has the intellectual ability and the mental agility to handle the rigors of contemporary life with ease. Sharp individuals anticipate coming events and prepare for them with preemptive actions which lead to a better than typical outcome. This proactive approach leads…Read more

Greens for the Sweet Tooth: Horse-Sugar

Ask any panhandle horse owner and they will say their horse has a sweet tooth. In addition to sugar cubes there are apples, pears and many other fruits with a high sugar content which are attractive to equines everywhere. Feed stores even offer a sweet feed for horses.  The rolled and cut grains are sprayed…Read more