Snow, sleet and subfreezing temperatures should result in an absence of insects for a while, especially the ones which sting. Despite the many negative attributes of the January 2025 blizzard, at least a stroll outside would not result in bothersome bugs. Expectations aside, the bugs are back. Social insects seemed to have the quickest return…Read more
Tag: Exotic Insect
A Natural Solution to Garden Pests
The spring weather has provided enough rain for the plants to burst into growth. Stink bugs, leaf-footed bugs, grasshoppers, all sizes of caterpillars and many more have been enjoying the lush and plentiful dining selections. More than one north Florida homeowner or gardener has noticed the sudden appearance of a hungry pest species which is…Read more
A Great Opportunity to Learn About Bees

The hobby of beekeeping has gained considerable popularity in recent years. As such, the Apalachee Beekeepers Association is offering a beginning beekeeping short course on February 24, 2024. The class will be held at the UF/IFAS Extension Office in Crawfordville, located at 84 Cedar Avenue. Topics will include the fundamentals of beekeeping, beekeeping equipment, hive…Read more
Winter Visitors Best Kept Outside the Home

It is the time of year when visitors come crashing into panhandle Florida residences, especially those seeking an upgrade on their winter lodgings. The highways are clogged with traffic heading south in search of a willing relative or friend who might take in a traveler attempting to avoid unpleasantly low temperatures. The relatively salubrious climate…Read more
Natural Help Against a Tricky Pest Plant

Sometimes surprises can puzzle and perplex, and yet be pleasant. Finding a twenty-dollar bill, for example, in a parking lot would certainly be a positive experience. The occurrence would likely be tinged with pity for the person who lost it, though. Even if they were totally careless with their financial resources, the discovery would make…Read more
The Cooperative Hordes of the Sunshine State

Misery loves company, as the old saying goes. And working outside in the heat and humidity of August 2023 certainly qualifies as challenging. In this light, being a social creature has somewhat positive aspects since the task will be completed sooner. Having collective experiences is an important social activity which assures the continuation of the…Read more
A Good Reason to Empty Standing Water Around the Home

Florida is home to about 80 to 85 mosquito species, many of which live in the panhandle. Of those, 20 plus are exotic mosquitos which have been inadvertently imported, such as the Asian Tiger Mosquito. Contrary to popular perception, not all of these dine on humans. Some target only birds, others only frogs, and still others will…Read more
Hungry Garden Pests That Smell Like Trouble

The thermometer readings and humidity levels are climbing, but they have yet to reach the misery point. If able to speak, most of the insect population would likely disagree. They prefer a sultry environment which creates ideal growing conditions for plants cultivated both for food and landscape ornamentation. As such, both the insect herbivores and…Read more
An Exotic Species That Is Here for a Very Good Reason

Sometimes surprises can puzzle and perplex, and yet be pleasant. Finding a twenty-dollar bill in a parking lot, for example, would certainly be a positive experience. The occurrence would likely be tinged with pity for the person who lost it, though. Even if they were totally careless with their financial resources, the discovery would make…Read more
An Exotic Species That Fits Right In

The polychromatic displays of Spring 2023 are located high and low, in residential and rural areas and seemingly without end. The blooms foretell the likelihood of the next generation of plants, but they are also an essential resource for insects in the spring. A grouping of insects commonly known as pollinators is currently busy collecting…Read more