Being new to an area can prove challenging for the recently arrived. Identifying where thing are and how to access the needed resources is a bit intimidating for some. Others, however, arrive on the scene with an aggressive stance and posture. Their antagonistic and lordly countenance immediately notifies all in the area that conflict is…Read more
Tag: Exotic Invasive Plants
A Landscape Problem Lurking Just Under the Surface

Nuts are a popular snack for people and many animals. In panhandle Florida many can be produced in home gardens and orchards. Wild hickories and oaks annually produce a bumper nut crop for the squirrels, deer and other wildlife which are dependent on the fat and nutrients to make it past the cold season. Pecans…Read more
An Invasive Horror to Native Plants

It is a frequently used theme in horror movies and horticulture. An alien species is introduced into a pristine environment, either intentionally or by accident, and quickly escapes control to the detriment of the locals. It is always better theater if the invader has as many overt malevolent qualities as possible. Parasitic behavior which slowly…Read more
Red and Green That Shouldn’t Be On the Scene

Holiday correspondence of all kinds, from party invitations to campaigns of charity, was making the rounds via every possible means just a few short days ago. While most seasonal decorations in panhandle Florida’s parks, businesses and places of worship have been removed, a few still remain up, and the memory of them all is still…Read more
The Colors of the Season That Won’t Inspire That Jolly Holiday Feelin’

The downward trend of the temperature and the ever-shortening days continue the inevitable progression into the holiday season. Invitations to parties and dinners are returning this year, and campaigns to help the less fortunate are already being sent to prosperous recipients by every communication means known to humanity. Panhandle Florida’s parks, businesses and places of…Read more
The Seed Collecting Season

People who collect items do so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the purpose is an unlimited curiosity about the subject which is collected. Stamp and coin collectors often fall into this category. Others collect to satisfy an insatiable want to physically possess the subject of their obsession. In extreme cases this is labeled hoarding…Read more
Natural Control Which Rattles the Rattlebox

Exotic invasive species are a continuing problem for panhandle Florida and many other places in the country. The non-natives are brought into an ideal environment where they can grow and proliferate with unrestrained abound. The cost of their control can be measured in millions of dollars annually and in countless numbers of native species pushed…Read more
A Couple of “Snakes” in the Grass

The moderating temperatures and periods of reduced (relatively speaking) humidity are making outdoor activities far more attractive for a majority of people. Whether walking a nature trail or pulling weeds in the garden, the thermometer reading encourages getting outside. Sometimes residents and visitors are concerned about a surprise encounter with one of the 45 species…Read more
Invasive Plants in Florida: A Primer

Over 10,000 species of plants are growing in the state of Florida. About 3,000 of these are native. About 10 percent of those native species are endemic or widespread to specific habitats. According to the Florida Invasive Species Partnership (FISP), an invasive species is defined as an organism (plant, animal, fungus or bacterium) that is…Read more
The Mimosa Tree: Beauty With a Catch

With the onset of summer, the many trees and plants have already bloomed and are settling into the green background. An exception are the Mimosa trees, Albizia julibrissin, which are blooming profusely. These once popular small trees are commonly found in the yards of older homes in the panhandle where the display of prolific pink…Read more