Tag: Full Sun

A Tale of Two Florida Vines

As the holiday season comes into the home stretch, red and green are everywhere to be seen. Retail establishments, homes, and just about everywhere else humans frequent are awash in the colors red and green. While the leaves of many deciduous trees, weeds and shrubs have converted to a shade of brown, two common local…Read more

An Ornamental Treasure in the Florida Landscape

One is the loneliest number, at least according to the 1969 rock and roll hit by the group Three Dog Night. The tune bemoans typical teenage angst about not having that special companion. True isolation and exceptional separation, especially in nature, are much more difficult to achieve. One locally grown tree, the maidenhair tree, is…Read more

Hidden in Foam With a Huge Appetite

Sometimes it is easiest to hide in plain sight of everyone and everything. Appear to be something else with little to no interest to anyone or anything which might happen to pass by and notice. This strategy is the basis for numerous disguises used as part of the camouflage tactic.  Blend into the background and…Read more

Vibrant Colors to Shape the Season

The summer of 2022 has been ideal for wild plant life in panhandle Florida. As August progresses towards September and the “official start of autumn”, many native wildflowers are blooming. Some of these annuals are very showy with others being tiny and muted. All have the same purpose, production of seeds for the next year….Read more

Something to be Passionate About in Florida’s Flower Scene

Picky eaters are always a problem. They will literally turn up their noses at many, if not most, culinary options placed before them.  For those making the offering available to the persnickety diner, the trial and error process of finding the right dish is particularly frustrating. This is especially true when considering the snobby consumer…Read more

The King Sago Palm: Benefits and Threats

Cycas revoluta, the king sago palm, or simply ‘sago palm’, is a member of the Cycadaceae family. Most common names for this and other cycads include the word palm because of their resemblance to some members of the palm family (Arecaceae). However, it is not a true palm. Cycads are more closely related to conifers…Read more

The Pesky Plant Pest With an Unusual Name

A name can be a defining aspect of an identity. It can portray a variety of characteristics, both real and imagined, for the holder. In addition to family identities, the name can project strength and honor for the owner. Noted historical figures of times past can contribute to the evoked image. Many Hollywood stars-to-be have…Read more

TSA: An Exotic Invasive With a Talent for Travel

Being new to an area can prove challenging for the recently arrived.  Identifying where thing are and how to access the needed resources is a bit intimidating for some. Others, however, arrive on the scene with an aggressive stance and posture. Their antagonistic and lordly countenance immediately notifies all in the area that conflict is…Read more

Sparkleberries: A Friend in Winter

“Nothing is there more friendly to a man than a friend in need,” so observed Titus Maccius Plautus, Roman playwright, about 2200 years ago. In modern parlance the remark has been abbreviated to “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. When winter sets in with all its hardships and privation, there are many birds…Read more

A Landscape Problem Lurking Just Under the Surface

Nuts are a popular snack for people and many animals. In panhandle Florida many can be produced in home gardens and orchards. Wild hickories and oaks annually produce a bumper nut crop for the squirrels, deer and other wildlife which are dependent on the fat and nutrients to make it past the cold season. Pecans…Read more