The early weeks of spring have been filled with nature’s heralds in north Florida as they announce the return of warmer weather in a nearly infinite variety of ways. Butterflies have returned, frogs and toads harmonize at night, and leaves have emerged on deciduous plants and trees, obscuring the surrounding terrain’s details. Many native annuals…Read more
The recent ample rainfall has accelerated the return of greenery to panhandle Florida. The slow, steady drizzle was punctuated by the occasional down pour. The many native plants have, in turn, responded to the liquid encouragement. Flowers of almost every hue and tone are exhibiting this season’s finest display of colors and texture. Rain lilies…Read more
The unexpected arrival of visitors off the highway has a variety of implications and consequences. Some can be positive and some negative. The surprise appearance in many cases leaves the host scrambling to react appropriately and recover from their lack of awareness to the potential of a stopover. The soon to arrive holiday season has…Read more
April showers produce May flowers, as the old saying goes. That adage assumes there are April (or May) showers, but the liquid from above is never a guaranteed certainty. Some year’s the spring bloom of native plants is influenced by a dry April, a late March frost or a relatively warm winter. Fortunately, there are…Read more
Subtlety is an often-overlooked skill. It relies on the holder’s ability to be notices without overtly seeking attention to garish traits or actions. In the wilds of the southeast’s spring season bloom there are species which add color to the environment without the clashing brilliance of high maintenance landscape shrubs. One of these muted bright…Read more