Tag: Harmless

A Harmless Garden Dweller Best Left Alone

Now that temperatures outside are beginning to moderate in early autumn, there is more incentive to work in the landscape. There are plenty of tasks to engage in this time of year. There are leaves and pine straw to rake, the collection of pinecones and branches which have fallen, the removal of dying weeds which…Read more

The Importance of Not Jumping to Conclusions

A mistaken identity can cause an assortment of problems, especially for the subject of the incorrect assumption. The misidentified individual may be credited with negative attributes which have no basis in reality. In fiction, a plot about erroneous identification has delivered many hours of entertainment for the readers. Even Hollywood has used the falsely accused…Read more

A Harmless Snake in the Grass

Words are a curious human creation. Each has at least one meaning or implication for the listener. The terms used today date back to long before recorded history began. Countless academics have postulated and theorized as to how these oral identifiers have migrated and evolved through the millennia to arrive at the languages used today….Read more

If Red Touches Black, It Is a Friend of Jack

The warmer weather’s approach has many residents of the panhandle believing the winter of 2021/22 is soon to be finished, and it might be.  The nightly ruckus of toads and frogs staking out their territory becomes louder each evening, and even mosquitos have returned in small numbers. Unseen in most cases, but just as active…Read more