Tag: Home Landscaping and Gardening

Autumn Tasks for a Happy, Healthy Garden

The burgeoning season of autumn in panhandle Florida is known as a period for maintaining the landscape and cultivating the fall garden. While it is great to be returning to outdoor recreational activities in the moderating heat and humidity, the lawn and garden chores can be a bit tedious with the many distractions currently available….Read more

Protecting Beloved Pets From Natural Plant-Based Threats

With the warmer weather, the time for outdoor activities has arrived for all living in the area. It causes much consternation with many parents to have children who only want to stare at a phone and play video games. These pastimes have come under much criticism in recent years. Many “experts” feel those in their…Read more

Steadfast Foragers From Forests to the Suburbs

Some panhandle residents may be searching for menu options at homes and landscapes across north Florida. The homeowners usually are unaware until after the meal has been eaten and the damage must be addressed. Such is the case with white-tailed deer, a native herbivore, which often strays into suburbia.   Odocoileus virginianus osceolais is the…Read more

Assessing the Value of Home Gardening

Vegetable gardening has many highly desirable benefits. These range from it being a good source of exercise, an opportunity to produce fresh specialty produce which may be hard to find in retail establishments, and being able to assure it is produced in a specific way. In many cases it is difficult, and sometimes tedious, to…Read more

The Further Importance of Pruning

As stated in an earlier column, pruning plants in the home landscape depends on the species of plant, not the season of the year. Some shrubs and trees start the spring with the growth of new branches which will produce blooms in late spring or summer. Some flowering shrubs bloom only on new wood which…Read more

The Importance of Pruning

When a gardener is anxious to get started in the spring garden, a task commonly undertaken is pruning.  Most trees and shrubs benefit from annual pruning because pruning has a major influence on a shrub’s flowering habit, shape, size, and pest problems. A regular pruning schedule protects plants, people, and property from injury, pests and…Read more

Handling the Cold in North Florida

North Florida has a relatively mild climate, but most of the state does occasionally experience below freezing temperatures.  The lowest temperature on record in Florida occurred in Tallahassee on February 13, 1899 when the temperature dropped to – 2° F (two degrees below zero).  Fortunately, temperatures haven’t fallen that low since.  Recently, on January 29,…Read more

Fallen Trees: A New Beginning for Some

The evidence in the home landscape, and in any panhandle Florida environment which includes trees, is unmistakable. The recent storm systems, with their potentially damaging wind gusts, have left limbs, and the occasional tree, on the ground. From the homeowner’s perspective, the limbs are usually a cosmetic irritant which must be removed to reestablish the…Read more

Pesticide Labels: A Quick Guide

Every pesticide, whether organic or synthetic, sold in the United States comes with a pesticide label.  That label is a legal document detailing the expectations for the safe, proper and legal use of the pesticide by the applicator. The purchaser and/or applicator is assuming certain responsibilities when deciding to use a pesticide. Using such a…Read more

The Importance of Reading Pesticide Labels

Many gardeners use some type of chemical to control weeds, insects and diseases.  The companies marketing these chemicals have spent millions to hundreds of millions of dollars funding extensive tests to determine the optimum application methods for their products.  Unfortunately, many gardeners operate under the premise of “instructions are for others.”  There are complaints that…Read more