Tag: Home Landscaping and Gardening

An Easy to Grow Salad Staple

One common complaint about vegetable gardening is it takes so long for the end product to be ready for harvest. In most cases the average is 90 days, but some can extend out to 180 or more. Another is the seasonal limitations of plants. The range of acceptable temperatures is relatively narrow for most, but…Read more

A Healthy Garden Through the Winter

The cool days and cooler nights of December have removed home gardening from the minds of many suburban residents recently arrived in panhandle Florida. Much of the region’s commercial vegetable production has moved to warmer counties in the extreme southern parts of the state. However, the holiday season has refocused the attention of many to…Read more

Things to Do for a Better Spring

October brings the prospect of relief from the heat and humidity of a panhandle Florida summer. The temperatures have moderated, albeit slightly, alleviating some of the oppressive qualities of the daylight hours. The sun’s progression into the southern sky has lengthened the nights to the point where they have a majority of the minutes, and…Read more

When ”Gone to Seed” Is a Good Thing

“Gone to seed” is a distinctly American agricultural saying from the time when most of America’s population was living on a farm. This adage usually denotes very negative connotations when applied to people, places and many objects. The implication is the subject of the remark has reached terminal depreciation after delivering all they are capable…Read more

The Right Plant in the Right Place

There is a big difference between a gardener and a plant collector. A gardener knows their garden with its soil, light levels and microclimates, and selects plants that will thrive in the growing environment. A plant collector often makes purchases based on an impulse. Many nurseries rely on these impulse buyers making purchases without planning…Read more

The Endless Campaign Against Weeds

The heat notwithstanding, 2023 has been a good growing year for panhandle Florida’s lawns and gardens. The rain has been adequate and timed to keep the ground moist, but not too soggy. That is the good news, but there is bad news too. Weeds in north Florida like the same environment and are growing aggressively…Read more

A Path to Wellness Through the Garden

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the United States. It is enjoyed by people of all ages, from children to seniors. The benefits of gardening as a hobby go a long way both physically and mentally. Horticulture can involve hands-on activities as well as mental stimulation. As a therapy tool, horticultural activities…Read more

Tip and Tricks for a Healthy Home Landscape in the Summer

Summer is here. The thermometer knows it and the plants are responding with unrestrained growth and production. The ample moisture adds to the lush growth of both ornamental horticulture specimens and of fruit and vegetable production. As such there is plenty to do in the gardens and landscapes of panhandle Florida. One of the first…Read more

Soil: The Foundation of Life in Florida

Despite soil being the foundation of our yards and gardens, most people know little-to-nothing about it. Soil is a dynamic, living system that enables plants to function properly. Soil does not necessarily equate to ‘dirt’ which usually implies a state or quality of uncleanliness. Soil performs at least four functions in relation to plants. The…Read more

Using Science for a Healthy Garden

Residents of panhandle Florida are heading to the outdoors to engage in the wide array of available activities. Sunshine, fresh air and there are relatively few insects to encounter, so far. Vegetable gardening, landscape maintenance and managing a home fruit orchard are all productive pursuits. Some residents, especially those new to the region, may consider…Read more