Ever since June 20 of this summer, the days have been getting gradually shorter. On Sunday, September 23, 2024 the autumnal equinox will occur and the days will continue to get inexorably shorter. This change in the length of daylight is so subtle it is not noticed by most of the human residents of panhandle…Read more
Panhandle Florida’s winter of 2023/24 has had some frigid nights. The frosty mornings have not been a rarity. Even so, there are signs winter is grudgingly retreating. Aside from the occasional warm day, the daylight hours are obviously increasing. Officially spring is still four and a half weeks away, beginning on March 19, 2024. This…Read more
There is nothing quite like a guest which stops by for a visit, and then stays forever. Departure is expected at any moment, but it never comes. As the visitor makes itself at home, their less than stellar qualities become evident. They may be noisy, greedily take the food of others and display some really…Read more
In panhandle Florida there is a bird species which literally swarms in huge numbers later in the year. The American white ibis is a native species found from Virginia to the Gulf Coast. It also occurs throughout the Caribbean, on both coasts of Mexico, Central America and as far south as Columbia and Venezuela. The…Read more
With spring’s beginning there is an added frenetic pace to contemporary life in north Florida. Time off for spring break, with its increase in vehicle traffic, and the home landscape chores accumulating while the beach and tourist traps are visited both add to the chaotic rhythm of the season. The domestic deeds, tasks, and jobs…Read more
North Florida in January can be cold, as recent weeks have demonstrated. However, by the standards of latitudes farther north in the United States (and Canada), the month can be considered quite balmy. As such, those who reside in the seasonally frozen geographic regions are inclined to visit this state when circumstances allow. There are…Read more
From a bird’s perspective, 2021 has been a pretty good year so far. There was enough rain for plants to thrive and provide ample sources of food for the plethora of avian species residing or visiting locally. The lush bounty of greenery produced seeds and fruit for the birds which require those commodities in…Read more
The month of November has brought on decidedly cooler temperatures. Admittedly, these recent thermometer readings are not at the subfreezing point of latitudes further north, but there is enough of a drop to cause a change in wardrobe. Cutoffs, tee shirts and flipflops are being replaced by heavier clothes and shoes. Even visitors from up…Read more
Being able to walk on water implies a very special set of talents for any individual. Given the Biblical reference, it infers to the recipient a level of perfection far exceeding those of mere mortals. This appellation is commonly applied to sports figures who are having an exceptional year. It also has been assigned to…Read more
Labor Day 2021 is soon to be in the rearview mirror and the kids are going back in school, either in classrooms or virtually. Life is settling into the early autumn routine, while it is still technically summer. Even though the solar equinox is about three weeks away, the residents to the north are reacting…Read more