Air travel has its advantages, even today with all the hoops one must jump through to gain access to this mode of 21st century transportation. Given the distances to far flung destinations, it is in many cases the only realistic option. Still there are challenges which try the patience of even the most experienced traveler….Read more
Few experiences in life are as comforting as having a companion who answers needs and is there to serve without being summoned. Ideally, the relationship benefits both parties, each providing something needed and each receiving enough through their service to engender continuation of the bond. In many cases this reciprocal arrangement is a lifelong relationship. …Read more
Social distancing and all the other COVID-19 safety protocols have complicated life. Once simple activities have taken on a new complexity and resulted in additional obstacles for safely completing any duty or chore. As such, the deeds, tasks, and jobs all are piling up at a feverish clip and the frequency is accelerating. The rapidity…Read more
A surprise visit from an acquaintance can be a pleasant distraction from the day-to-day routine most experience. It allows the participants to catchup on life and activities of mutual interest, and possibly to plan for future interaction. The spontaneous appearance also can raise questions as to why the guest suddenly, and unexpectedly, appeared. Did they…Read more